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Freshwater Science Jobs & Opportunities

Freshwater Science Jobs & Opportunities

  • SFS members, academic institutions, public agencies, and nonprofit organizations may post jobs and opportunities freely at no charge.
  • For-profit companies may submit postings, but a $35 donation to an SFS endowment fund is suggested.
  • To submit a job or opportunity, fill out this form.
  • The board is updated twice weekly.

ORISE Fellowship in Spatial Analyses for StreamCat Watershed and National Nutrient Data — U.S. EPA

Monday, April 15, 2024
Expiration Date: 
Friday, August 2, 2024

The U.S. EPA provides geospatial watershed data on 2.6 million stream segments and nearly 40,000 lakes through the StreamCat and LakeCat datasets, respectively. These data experience broad usage by numerous academic, federal, and state researchers and practitioners. Within EPA, they serve as a primary resource to conduct research on stream and lake ecosystems across the conterminous U.S. This research training opportunity will seek to improve the access, usability, and quality of StreamCat and LakeCat data to expand their use within and outside of the EPA. This opportunity, housed at the Pacific Ecological Systems Division (PESD) in Corvallis, OR, will examine approaches to incorporate the existing application programming interface (API) for StreamCat/LakeCat into an online ArcGIS web application(s) or other web-based applications.

Postdocs at Michigan State University: PFAS biogeochemistry and/or Hg-Se interactions

Friday, October 20, 2023
Expiration Date: 
Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Watershed Biogeochemistry in the Anthropocene Lab ( at Michigan State University is recruiting motivated, collaborative, and curious postdoctoral scholars interested in biogeochemistry. We are recruiting for two positions: (1) investigating the fate and cycling of PFAS in surface waters and (2) investigating the impact of Se on Hg microbial methylation and/or accumulation in the base of the food web.
