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Making Waves

English: Making Waves is a podcast produced by the Society for Freshwater Science that aims to bring current research in freshwater to a broader audience through engaging interviews with scientists. The podcast features short interviews with researchers in the field of freshwater science. Topics include biodiversity, ecology, technology, and more.

Spanish: Esta serie de audios y/o videos tienen como propósito compartir entre socios y la comunidad científica en general, algunas experiencias de la vida profesional o estudiantil de los miembros de SFS. Making waves es al español como "causar sensación", un modismo que nos invita a ser inquietos e interactuar con los demás sobre nuestras experiencias cómo científicos, estudiantes, y adminstradores de recursos naturales. El formato es estilo entrevista semi-estructurada, es decir, donde el invitado tenga su espacio para abrirse a una audiencia interesada por conocer más de la ciencia del agua dulce. Los temas incluyen la biodiversidad, ecología, y tecnología, entre otros.

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Nuestros Making Waves episodios son de libre acceso, incluso pueden ser escuchados en iTunes.


Share Your Science! ¡Comparta su ciencia!

If you are interested in being interviewed about your research, please send an email to including a brief statement of why you are interested in profiling your work. We are especially interested in covering recent high-profile research, but will consider any compelling story. You do not need to be a member of SFS to participate.

Current Hosts

Stephen Elser

Stephen is a PhD student in the School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University. He is interested in ecosystem services of aquatic systems, how urbanization affects those systems, and how to build urban resilience by maximizing ecosystem service production.

Julie Kelso

Julie Kelso is a PhD student in Ecology at Utah State University. She spends her time trying to figure out what dissolved organic matter is composed of and how fast it decays. She is also a science reporter at Utah Public Radio and enjoys communicating the science of anything involving water to the people of Utah.

Erin Larson

Erin is an assistant professor of environmental science at Alaska Pacific University. Her research focuses on the role of disturbance in shaping stream community composition in mountainous regions and on effective teaching practices in biology. When she isn't teaching or doing research, Erin can be found exploring the mountains of Alaska on foot, by bike, or on skis.

Eric Moody

Eric is a USDA NIFA post-doctoral fellow at Iowa State University. His work in desert springs, tropical streams, and hypereutrophic lakes aims to link intraspecific variation and organismal evolution to ecosystem function.

Susan Washko

Susan is a PhD student studying aquatic ecology at the University of Arizona. She is from Cleveland, Ohio, and attended Allegheny College in northwest Pennsylvania for her bachelors degree, and Utah State University for her masters. Susan enjoys exploring how aquatic communities are structured and their connections to ecosystem function, specifically macroinvertebrate communities. She has worked in places like subalpine ponds at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, beaver-altered streams in the Cache National Forest, UT, and is currently working in tinajas (rock pools) of the Sonoran Desert in Arizona and Mexico. While not sampling, Susan enjoys hiking, camping, cooking, and singing about rivers.