Officers & Committees
SFS relies on its talented and dedicated members to provide the services and expertise that help the Society to function. SFS is comprised of more than twenty committees and sub-committees. A list of these committees and their members can be found here with the SFS Operations Manual.
Constitution & By-Laws
The Board of Directors has approved revisions to SFS By-laws to make them align better with SFS practice. These include language establishing an SFS Fellows program, an Endowed Publication Fund and Journal Endowment Committee, and renaming the "Assistant to the President" position to the more accurate title of "Vice President." These proposed revisions were approved by the SFS Board of Directors and were put to a vote of the membership at the upcoming annual meeting in May 2016, as per the amendment process specified in the SFS By-laws.
View the SFS Constitution & By-Laws
Visual Identity & Logos
The Society for Freshwater Science (SFS) creates a wide range of publications, press releases, newsletters, social media, and other materials to communicate with diverse audiences. To foster a consistent and recognizable visual identity for SFS, Identity & Style Guidelines have been developed. Use of this style guide is governed by the SFS Visual Identity Policy.
SFS financial statements and IRS forms are made publically available and can be viewed here.
Long-Range Planning
The Long-range Planning Committee, in collaboration with members of the Executive Committee, produces a five-year Strategic Plan for the Society. This Plan, while retaining a number of key goals and initiatives from the last plan, has new areas of emphasis which will help guide the Society over the next five years, and beyond.
Read the current plan (2020-2025)
Annual Meeting Minutes
Minutes from the Annual Business Meeting are available for member viewing in advance of a vote for approval at the subsequent meeting.
View annual business meeting minutes
Annual Reports
Annual committee reports are available for member viewing.
View annual reports (temporarily unavailable)
Board of Directors
Quarterly meeting minutes of the SFS Board of Directors are available for member viewing.
View minutes (temporarily unavailable)
Code of Conduct
SFS meetings, open to SFS members and those interested in freshwater sciences, are among the most respected meetings in the freshwater science community. SFS is committed to providing a safe, productive and welcoming environment for all meeting participants and staff.
Society Statements
SFS statements on ethics, diversity, and science policy and education advocacy.