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Distinguished Service 2019

Distinguished Service Award

Randy Fuller - 2019
















Randy Fuller attended his first meeting in 1976 at LaCrosse, WI after driving for 2 days in a van full of grad students from Ken Stewart’s lab in Texas.  In 42 years, he has missed only 4 meetings!  Randy has been a professor at Colgate University since 1982, serving 10 years as Chair of Biology and 10 years as Director of Environmental Studies.  His involvement with our society includes serving twice on the Executive Committee, President in 2013-14, and on the Board of Directors from 2010-2015.  He has been a member of the Education and Diversity Committee (EDC) since before its name changed from the Membership Committee, and served as Chair of the EDC for 5+ years.  Randy has also served on a variety of other committees and has acted as the SFS representative to the Consortium of Aquatic Science Societies (CASS) since 2013.  From Randy: “I have had the good fortune to work with many bright, wonderful people, and the time I have spent working with others to move the society forward has been some of the most rewarding in my professional life!”