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Early Career Archive

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Who are we?

The Early Career Committee (ECC) represents and supports early career scientists within the Society for Freshwater Science (SFS), defined as SFS members within 10 years of receiving their terminal degree. An ad hoc committee was formed in 2016 and conducted a survey to assess the perceptions and needs of early career members within SFS. A PDF link to the SFS-ECC report can be found here.

Membership in ECC is open to all early career SFS members, regardless of employment in academia, government, non-profit, or private sectors. Those with a variety of backgrounds are desirable members, ensuring that the committee best represents and supports SFS early career members.

How to join?

If you are an early career member of SFS and want to become for involved with this committee, or if you want to be kept updated with ECC activities and opportunities, email our current chair, Marc Peipoch (

If you’re on social media, follow our hashtag! #SFS_EC

Early Career Ad Hoc Committee

  • Marc Peipoch (Chair)
  • PJ Torres (BOD rep)
  • Natalie Griffiths
  • Angela De Palma-Dow
  • Rae McNeish
  • Corey Krabbenhoft
  • Zaccaeus Compson
  • Allison Veach
  • Erin Larson
  • Arial Shogren
  • Scott Hotaling
  • Justin Pomeranz
  • Megan Fork 
  • Krista Capps



General career advice:

Targeted advice (writing papers and proposals):

For advisors (and useful for students):

For students/postdocs:

Science communication:

Blogs & Listservs


1) Introduction: Synergistic Activities: Introduction to Early Careers in the Aquatic SciencesAngela De Palma-Dow (Presenter) & Zach Compson from Society of Freshwater Science Early Career Committee.

2) Watershed Stewardship: Conducting Bioassessments with Community Members. Melissa von Mayrhauser from LA  Waterkeepers

3) Experiences and Thoughts on Early Career Science in California. Guillermo de Mendoza from UC Berkeley

4) A Practical Guide: Tools and Skills Needed in Protecting California’s Watersheds. Shuka Rastegarpour from California Water Boards

5) Restoring and Revitalizing California's Urban Streams. Esther Tracy from California Department of Water Resources 

6) Early Career Panel presented by SFS Early Career Committee and Cal-SFS (moderated by Angela De Palma-Dow and Nick Macias, Cal-SFS) Panel Participants include; James Morris, Melissa von Mayrhauser, Guillermo de Mendoza, Shuka Rastegarpour, Esther Tracy. Funding source: This session was made posisble by the Synergistic Activities Among Committee (SAAC) Grant Award to the Early Career Development Committee, Cal Chapter, and Student Awards Selection Subcommittee.

Online Resources

EC Outside of Academia