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The Allen Lab at the University of Oklahoma ( is recruiting a postdoctoral research fellow to work on research projects related to the geographical ecology of stream and rivers, with an emphasis on intermittently flowing systems. Up to 5 years of funding (with competitive salary and benefits) is available with a flexible start date sometime in the first half of 2019 (ideally no later than June).

The postdoc will work primarily work on StreamCLIMES, a new NSF-funded collaborative Macrosystems Biology project studying how drying affects stream ecosystems across the southern half of the US. The work includes a significant field-based component that integrates NEON stream research sites, where we will document the biodiversity, food web structure, and genetic connectivity of stream benthic invertebrate communities at perennial (continuously flowing) and intermittent (non-continuously flowing) stream sites. Other parts of the project include the development of a smartphone app designed for researchers and citizen scientists to map wet and dry reaches of streams and rivers, the development of hydrological models that will predict stream drying patterns in the study river systems under different climate scenarios, and spatial ecological models that will integrate field-collected data and hydrological model outputs to project how stream ecosystems will respond to large scale climate variability. Collaborators on this project include Michael Bogan at the University of Arizona, Katie Costigan at the University of Louisiana Lafayette, Meryl Mims at Virginia Tech, Ben Ruddell and Abe Springer at Northern Arizona University, Albert Ruhi at the University of California Berkeley, Robert Pastel at Michigan Tech University, and Tom Neeson and Yang Hong at the University of Oklahoma.

The postdoc will also have the opportunity to work with the Dry Rivers Research Coordination Network. The DryRiversRCN is another new NSF-funded research project which will bring hydrologists and ecologists together in expert workgroups to synthesize current knowledge on the hydrology and ecology of intermittent streams and rivers. Three workgroups will be formed each year from 2019-2021 that the postdoc will have the opportunity to participate in.

Required qualifications: PhD in ecology or a related field by the time of employment and experience successfully leading field research projects in streams.

Desired qualifications: Previous experience working with stream benthic macroinvertebrates and/or stable isotopes. Track record of quality publications in scientific journals, as appropriate for the career stage of the applicant. Interest in using stable isotope methods and gaining hands-on experience in a stable isotope lab. Previous experience mentoring students.

To apply: Send a CV, letter of interest with potential start dates, and contact information for 3 professional references to Additionally, up to 3 representative publications may be sent as separate pdf files at the discretion of the applicant. Review of applications will begin November 1, 2018, applications submitted afterwards will be reviewed until the position is filled. Candidates from groups underrepresented in STEM are encouraged to apply.