Featured Article
This month's featured article: Quantifying Stream Periphyton Assemblage Responses to Nutrient Amendments with a Molecular Approach, authors are J.D. Hagy III, K.A. Houghton, D.L. Beddick Jr., J.P. James, S.D. Friedman, R. Devereaux. Freshwater Science 39(2): 292-308.
In this Issue
Tropical Stream Responses to Drought
Nitrogen Dynamics in Boreal Streams
Variable Stream Metabolism and Trophic Status
Pharmaceuticals Alter Stream Ecosystems
Plankton Metacommunity Structure
On the Cover
On the Cover: Photo of a section of Las Flores Pampean stream, Argentina, showing the density and diversity of aquatic vascular plants, which cause diel changes in oxygen concentration and nutrient uptake.. Photograph by Eugènia Martí, digitally enhanced by Claudia Feijoó
All issues of FWS are available at The University of Chicago Press.