Featured Article
This month's featured article: Diverse, equitable, and inclusive scientific societies: Progress and opportunities in the Society for Freshwater Science
Erin F. Abernethy, Ivan Arismendi, Anna G. Boegehold, Checo Colón-Gaud, Matthew R. Cover, Erin I. Larson, Eric K. Moody, Brooke E. Penaluna, Arial J. Shogren, Alex J. Webster, and M. Megan Woller-Skar Freshwater Science 39(3): 363-376-85. See the entire issue.
In this Issue
Warming and food quality affect shredders
Fish body size and trophic position
Effect of NO3-N vs. NH4-N on periphyton
Litter decomposition in African streams
Dams affect aquatic insect recruitment
On the Cover
On the Cover: Photo of a Spring Salamander (Gyrinophilus porphyriticus), a common amphibian of low-order streams in Central Appalachia. This individual was captured from a stream on the University of Kentucky's Robinson Forest in Breathitt County, Kentucky. Photograph by Jacob M. Hutton
All issues of FWS are available at The University of Chicago Press.