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Monday, April 22, 2019
Kasey Fralick

Freshwater-Specific Journals (5): Freshwater Biology (2), Hydrobiologia (2), Marine and Freshwater Research (5), Limnology and Oceanography Letters (1), Limnology and Oceanography (1)

Broad-Based Journals (2): Ecology Letters (1), Oecologia (1)


Oliva A.L. et al. First records of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and metals in sediments from a shallow lake in the Pampean–Patagonian region (Argentina). Marine and Freshwater Research.

Ecosystem Metabolism

Attard K.M., Rodil I.F., Glud R.N., Berg P., Norkko J., & Norkko A. Seasonal ecosystem metabolism across shallow benthic habitats measured by aquatic eddy covariance. Limnology and Oceanography Letters.

Effects of Temperature

Blair S.D. & Glover C.N. Acute exposure of larval rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to elevated temperature limits hsp70b expression and influences future thermotolerance. Hydrobiologia.

Tabi A., Petchey O.L., & Pennekamp F. Warming reduces the effects of enrichment on stability and functioning across levels of organisation in an aquatic microbial ecosystem. Ecology Letters.

Tonkin Z. et al. Hydrology and water temperature influence recruitment dynamics of the threatened silver perch Bidyanus bidyanus in a regulated lowland river. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Ephemeral Streams

Feyrer F., Whitman G., Young M., & Johnson R.C. Strontium isotopes reveal ephemeral streams used for spawning and rearing by an imperilled potamodromous cyprinid Clear Lake hitch Lavinia exilicauda chi. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Food Webs

Chislock M.F., Sarnelle O., Jernigan L.M., Anderson V.R., Abebe A., & Wilson A.E.Consumer adaptation mediates top–down regulation across a productivity gradient. Oecologia.

Freshwater Crustaceans

Paschoal L.R.P., de Oliveira L.J.F., Andrioli G.C., & Zara F.J. Reproductive biology of Macrobrachium amazonicum (Heller, 1862) populations with distinct phenotypes in Neotropical reservoirs during the ‘El Niño’ event. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Freshwater Mussels

Zieritz A., Mahadzir F.N., Chan W.N., & McGowan S. Effects of mussels on nutrient cycling and bioseston in two contrasting tropical freshwater habitats. Hydrobiologia.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

van Bergen T.J.H.M et al. Seasonal and diel variation in greenhouse gas emissions from an urban pond and its major drivers. Limnology and Oceanography.


Sommer S., Fontaneto D., & Ozgul A. Demographic processes underlying fitness restoration in bdelloid rotifers emerging from dehydration. Freshwater Biology.

Science & Society

Downes B.J. and Lancaster J. Celebrating women conducting research in freshwater ecology … and how the citation game is damaging them. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Tidal Freshwater Ecosystems

McLachlan J.R., Haghkerdar J.M., & Greig H.S. Strong zonation of benthic communities across a tidal freshwater height gradient. Freshwater Biology.