Freshwater-Specific Journals (6) : Freshwater Science (6), Freshwater Biology (1), Hydrobiologia (11), Limnology and Oceanography (6), River Research and Applications (2), Marine and Freshwater Research (9)
Broad-Based Journals (8): Ecology (2), Trends in Ecology and Evolution (3), Nature (1), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2), Ecology Letters (3), Oecologia (5), Oikos (2), Journal of Applied Ecology (1)
Algal Biology
Hansson, T.H., H.-P. Grossart, P.A. del Giorgio, N. F. St-Gelais, B.E. Beisner. Environmental drivers of mixotrophs in boreal lakes. Limnology and Oceanography.
Amphibian Biology
Cohen J.M., Mcahon T.A., Ramsay C. et al. Impacts of thermal mismatches on chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis prevalence are moderated by life stage, body size, elevation and latitude. Ecology Letters.
Denoël M., Drapeau L., & Winandy O.L. The role of predation risk in metamorphosis versus behavioural avoidance: a sex-specific study in a facultative paedomorphic amphibian. Oecologia.
Jara F.G., Thurman L.L., Montiglio P-O., Sih A., & Garcia T.S. Warming-induced shifts in amphibian phenology and behavior lead to altered predator–prey dynamics. Oecologia.
Kidd L.R., Bekessey S.A., & Garrard G.E. Neither Hope nor Fear: Empirical Evidence Should Drive Biodiversity Conservation Strategies. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.
Smith A.N. & Edwards K.F. Effects of multiple timescales of resource supply on the maintenance of species and functional diversity. Oikos.
Buchkowski R.W., Leroux S.J., & Scmidtz O.J. Microbial and animal nutrient limitation change the distribution of nitrogen within coupled green and brown food chains. Ecology.
Coble, A.A., A. M. Marcarelli, E. S. Kane. Year-round measurements reveal seasonal drivers of nutrient uptake in a snowmelt-driven headwater stream. Freshwater Science.
Denk T.R.A., Kraus D., Kiese R., Buttebach-Bahl K., & Wolf B. Constraining N cycling in the ecosystem model LandscapeDNDC with the stable isotope model SIMONE. Ecology.
Moulton, T.P., C. M. Andrade, V. Neres-Lima. The outcome of an exclusion experiment depends on the method: shrimps, shredders and leaf breakdown in a tropical stream. Freshwater Science.
Turner, R.E., E.M. Swenson, C.S. Milan, J.M. Lee. Spatial variations in Chlorophyll a, C, N, and P in a Louisiana estuary from 1994 to 2016. Hydrobiologia.
Community Ecology
Correa, E. C., F. Roque, R. M. Utz, W. M. da Silva, F. Severo-Neto, K. B. Gido. Effects of macroconsumers on benthic communities across a gradient of vegetation loss in tropical karst streams. Hydrobiologia.
Damgaard C. A Critique of the Space-for-Time Substitution Practice in Community Ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.
Hayden, B., C. Harrod, S. M. Thomas, A. P. Eloranta, J.-P. Myllykangas, A. Siwertsson, K. Præbel, R. Knudsen, P.-A. Amundsen, and K. K. Kahilainen. 2019. From clear lakes to murky waters – tracing the functional response of high-latitude lake communities to concurrent ‘greening’ and ‘browning.’ Ecology Letters.
Fish Biology
Dux, A. M., M.J. Hansen, M.P. Corsi, N.C. Wahl, J.P. Fredericks, C.E. Corsi, D.J. Schill, N.J. Horner. Effectiveness of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) suppression in Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho: 2006–2016. Hydrobiologia.
Romano, D., G. Benelli, J.-S. Hwang, C. Stefanini. Fighting fish love robots: mate discrimination in males of a highly territorial fish by using female-mimicking robotic cues. Hydrobiologia.
Zhao, C.S., Y. Yang, S. Yang, Y. Gai, C. Zhang, H. Zhang, T. Xu, X. Yin, Z. Zhang. Factors driving temporospatial heterogeneity of fish community health in Jinan City, China. Marine and Freshwater Research.
Floodplain Ecology
Higgisson, W., B. Higgisson, M. Powell, P. Driver, F. Dyer. Impacts of water resource development on hydrological connectivity of different floodplain habitats in a highly variable system. River Research and Applications.
Food Webs
Bell, A.T.C., D.L. Murray, C. Prater, P.C. Frost. Fear and food: Effects of predator‐derived chemical cues and stoichiometric food quality on Daphnia. Limnology and Oceanography.
Four, B., M. Thomas, M. Danger, N. Angeli, M.-E. Perga, D. Banas. Using stable isotope approach to quantify pond dam impacts on isotopic niches and assimilation of resources by invertebrates in temporary streams: a case study. Hydrobiologia.
Lindmark M., Ohlberger J., Huss M., & Gårdmark A. Size‐based ecological interactions drive food web responses to climate warming. Ecology Letters.
Yan C. & Zhang Z. Impacts of consumer–resource interaction transitions on persistence and long‐term interaction outcomes of random ecological networks. Oikos.
Invasive Species
Evangelista C., Olden J.D., Lecerf A., & Cucherousset J. Scale-dependent patterns of intraspecific trait variations in two globally invasive species. Oecologia.
Fuentes, R., L. Cardenas, A. Abarzua, L. Caputo. Southward invasion of Craspedacusta sowerbii across mesotrophic lakes in Chile: geographical distribution and genetic diversity of the medusa phase. Freshwater Science.
Hoxmeier, R.J.H. and D.J. Dieterman. Natural replacement of invasive brown trout by brook charr in an upper Midwestern United States stream. Hydrobiologia.
Invertebrate Biology
Dimas-Flores, N., M. Serra, E. M. Garcia-Roger, M. J. Carmona. Evidencing the cost of sexual reproduction in the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis. Hydrobiologia.
Li R., Xu L., Bjørnstad O.N., Liu K., Song T., Chen A., Xu B., Liu Q., & Stenseth N.C. Climate-driven variation in mosquito density predicts the spatiotemporal dynamics of dengue. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Li, Z., J. Wang, X. Meng, J. Heino, M. Sun, X. Jiang, Z. Xie. Disentangling the effects of dispersal mode on the assembly of macroinvertebrate assemblages in a heterogeneous highland region. Freshwater Science.
Moreno, E., C. Perez-Martinez, J. M. Conde-Porcuna. Dispersal of rotifers and cladocerans by waterbirds: seasonal changes and hatching success. Hydrobiologia.
Oliveira, C.M.C.A., M. Terossi, F.L. Mantelatto. Phylogeographic structuring of the amphidromous shrimp Atya scabra (Crustacea, Decapoda, Atyidae) unveiled by range-wide mitochondrial DNA sampling. Marine and Freshwater Research.
Waringer, J. and W. Graf. The larva and pupa of Apatania stylata stylata Navás 1916, with an updated key to larvae of the European species of genus Apatania Kolenati 1848 (Apataniidae, Trichoptera). Freshwater Science.
Macrophytes & Aquatic Plants
Chen, F., Y. Wu, M. Zhang, Y. Ma, Z. Xie, C. Chen. Secondary seed dispersal in hydro‐fluctuation belts and its influence on the soil seed bank. River Research and Applications.
Chu, Y., S.-N. Jin, J. G. Alday, R. H. Marrs, K.-H. Cho. Hydrologically connected and isolated floodplains in channelized streams: impacts on plant communities under a temperate monsoonal climate. Hydrobiologia.
Dainez-Filho, M.S., T. S. Michelan, N. Louback-Franco, D. C. Souza, E. G. Cafofo, S. M. Thomaz. Role of sediment structuring by detritus on colonization and interspecific competition of one native and one invasive submerged macrophyte. Hydrobiologia.
Zhang, Q., X. Dong, X. Yang, B. V. Odgaard, E. Jeppesen. Hydrologic and anthropogenic influences on aquatic macrophyte development in a large, shallow lake in China. Freshwater Biology.
Marine Biology
Deaker, D.J., S. A. Foo, M. Byrne. Variability in egg and jelly-coat size and their contribution to target size for spermatozoa: a review for the Echinodermata. Marine and Freshwater Research.
Gonzalez-Pestana, A., J. Alfaro-Shigueto, and J.C. Mangel. Aspects of reproductive biology of the humpback smooth-hound shark (Mustelus whitneyi) off northern Peru. Marine and Freshwater Research.
Lesser, M.P. Phylogenetic signature of light and thermal stress for the endosymbiotic dinoflagellates of corals (Family Symbiodiniaceae). Limnology and Oceanography.
Maier, S.R., T. Kutti, R.J. Bannister, P. van Breugel, P. van Rijswijk, D. van Oevelen. Survival under conditions of variable food availability: Resource utilization and storage in the cold‐water coral Lophelia pertusa. Limnology and Oceanography.
McAfee D. & Bishop M.J. The mechanisms by which oysters facilitate invertebrates vary across environmental gradients. Oecologia.
Randhawa, H.S., R. Poulin. Tapeworm discovery in elasmobranch fishes: quantifying patterns and identifying their correlates. Marine and Freshwater Research.
Rossi, A.R., P. Colangelo, L. Berline, E. Anguilli, G. Ardizzone, C. Fassatoui, L. Sola. Influence of hydrodynamic connectivity on the genetic structure and gene flow of the common pandora Pagellus erythrinus. Hydrobiologia.
Shimose, R. and K. Yokawa. Age estimation of striped marlin (Kajikia audax) in the eastern North Pacific using otolith microincrements and fin spine sections. Marine and Freshwater Research.
Gouraguine A., Díaz-Gil C., Sundin J., Moranta J., & Jutfelt F. Density differences between water masses preclude laminar flow in two-current choice flumes. Oecologia.
Li J., Hatton-Ellis T.W., Handley L-J.L. Kimbell H.S., Benucci M., Peirson G., Hänfling B. Ground‐truthing of a fish‐based environmental DNA metabarcoding method for assessing the quality of lakes. Journal of Applied Ecology.
Radchuk, V., S. Kramer-Schadt, and V. Grimm. 2019. Transferability of Mechanistic Ecological Models Is About Emergence. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.
Microbial Communities
Ramírez-Flandes S., González B., & Ulloa O. Redox traits characterize the organization of global microbial communities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Sediment Dynamics
Gao, F., Y. Wang, X. Hu, C. Xu, N. Horning. Spatiotemporal variations of total suspended matter (TSM) in the Pearl River estuary using MERIS full-resolution (FR) level-2 TSM product. Marine and Freshwater Research.
Shi, X., C.R. Benitez-Nelson, P. Cai, L. He, W.S. Moore. Development of a two‐layer transport model in layered muddy–permeable marsh sediments using 224Ra–228Th disequilibria. Limnology and Oceanography.
Water Quality
Knee, K.L. and A. E. Masker. Association between unconventional oil and gas (UOG) development and water quality in small streams overlying the Marcellus Shale. Freshwater Science.
Madhuri, S., K. Wang, D. Bade, X. Mou. Concentration and turnover of dissolved free polyamines on the South Coast of Lake Erie. Limnology and Oceanography.
Yang, S., Y. Yang, C. Sun, Y. Gai, Y. Zhang, C. Zhao, B. Dong, P. Feng, Z. Zhang. Temporospatial variation in ecosystem configuration in a pilot city for the Water Ecological Civilisation Project, China. Marine and Freshwater Research.
Yu C., Huang X., Chen H., et al. Managing nitrogen to restore water quality in China. Nature.
Wetland Ecology
Duke, N.C., C. Field, J.R. Mackenzie, J.-O. Meynecke, A.L. Wood. Rainfall and its possible hysteresis effect on the proportional cover of tropical tidal-wetland mangroves and saltmarsh–saltpans. Marine and Freshwater Research.