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New Articles January 28 - February 3

Sunday, February 3, 2019
Kasey Fralick

Freshwater Specific Journals (5): Freshwater Biology (2), Hydrobiologia (6), Limnology and Oceanography (4), River Research and Applications (1), Marine and Freshwater Research (4)

Broad Based Journals (2): Ecology (1), Oecologia (2)


Garraza G.G., Burdman L., & Mataloni G. Desmids (Zygnematophyceae, Streptophyta) community drivers and potential as a monitoring tool in South American peat bogs. Hydrobiologia.

Maier D.B., Diehl S., & Bigler C. Interannual variation in seasonal diatom sedimentation reveals the importance of late winter processes and their timing for sediment signal formation. Limnology and Oceanography.

Song Y., Xue Y., Gao Y., & Jin Y. Distribution of epipelic algae and related environmental nutrients in Taihu Lake, revealed by HPLC analysis. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Xu Z., Gao G., Tu B., Qiao H., Ge H., & Wu H. Physiological response of the toxic and non-toxic strains of a bloom-forming cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa to changing ultraviolet radiation regimes. Hydrobiologia.


Barrett P.M., Hull E.A., Burkart K., Hargrave O., McLean J., Taylor V.F., Jackson B.P., Gawel J.E., & Neumann R.B. Contrasting arsenic cycling in strongly and weakly stratified contaminated lakes: Evidence for temperature control on sediment–water arsenic fluxes. Limnology and Oceanography.


Christianson K.R., Johnson B.M., Hooten M.B., & Roberts J.J. Estimating lake–climate responses from sparse data: An application to high elevation lakes. Limnology and Oceanography.

Enriquez-Urzelai U., Sacco M., Palacio A.S., Pintanel P., Tejedo M., & Nicieza A.G. Ontogenetic reduction in thermal tolerance is not alleviated by earlier developmental acclimation in Rana temporaria. Oecologia.


Kumbier K., Carvalho R.C., Vafeidis A.T., & Woodroffe C.D. Comparing static and dynamic flood models in estuarine environments: a case study from south-east Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Pain A.J., Martin J.B., Young C.R., Huang L., Valle-Levinson A. Organic matter quantity and quality across salinity gradients in conduit‐ vs. diffuse flow‐dominated subterranean estuaries. Limnology and Oceanography.

Fisheries Science

Celestino L.F., Sanz-Ronda F.J., Miranda L.E., Makrakis M.C., Dias J.H.P, & Makrakis S. Bidirectional connectivity via fish ladders in a large Neotropical river. River Research and Applications.

Lyon J.P., Hale R., Kitchingman A., O'Connor J., Sharley J., & Tonkin Z. Effects of tag type, morphological location and tagger experience on tag retention rates in freshwater fishes. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Invasive Species

Bolam B.A., Rollwagen-Bollens G., & Bollens S.M. Feeding rates and prey selection of the invasive Asian clam, Corbicula fluminea, on microplankton in the Columbia River, USA. Hydrobiologia.


Amundrud S.L., Clay-Smith S.A., Flynn B.L., Higgins K.E., Reich M.S., Wiens D.R.H., & Srivastava D.S. Drought alters the trophic role of an opportunistic generalist in an aquatic ecosystem. Oecologia.

Bovill W.D., Downes B.J., & Lancaster J. Variations in fecundity over catchment scales: Implications for caddisfly populations spanning a thermal gradient. Freshwater Biology.

White J.C., Krajenbrink H.J., Hill M.J., Hannah D.M., House A., & Wood P.J. Habitat‐specific invertebrate responses to hydrological variability, anthropogenic flow alterations, and hydraulic conditions. Freshwater Biology.


Alekseyev S.S., Pichugin M.Y., Samusenok V.P, Gordeeva N.V., Yur’ev A.L., Khlystov V.S., & Matveev A.N. Reproductive strategies of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus (L.) forms in Kiryalta lakes, Transbaikalia, Russia. Hydrobiologia.

Boone E.C. & Quinlan H.R. Occurrence of Salmincola sp. on brook charr Salvelinus fontinalis in Lake Superior. Hydrobiologia.

Hansen M.J., Corsi M.P., & Dux A.M. Long-term suppression of the Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) population in Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho. Hydrobiologia.

Spatial Ecology

Harvey E. & Altermatt F. Regulation of the functional structure of aquatic communities across spatial scales in a major river network. Ecology.