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New Articles for July 1-7

Monday, July 8, 2019
Kasey Fralick

Freshwater-Specific Journals (4): Hydrobiologia (2), Freshwater Biology (2), River Research and Applications (4), Marine and Freshwater Research (1)

Broad-Based Journals (9): Oikos (2), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (1), Ecological Applications (1), Oecologia (2), Ecology Letters (1), Trends in Ecology and Evolution (1), Journal of Applied Ecology (2), Nature (1), Ecology (1)

Community Ecology

Effert-Fanta, E.L. et al. Effects of riparian forest buffers and agricultural land use on macroinvertebrate and fish community structure. Hydrobiologia.

Legault, G. et al. Demographic stochasticity alters expected outcomes in experimental and simulated non‐neutral communities. Oikos.


Carvajal-Quintero, J. et al. Drainage network position and historical connectivity explain global patterns in freshwater fishes’ range size. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Freshwater, C. et al. Weakened portfolio effects constrain management effectiveness for population aggregates. Ecological Applications.

Roberts, B.H. et al. Migration to freshwater increases growth rates in a facultatively catadromous tropical fish. Oecologia.

Food Webs

Faithful, C. & Goetze, E. Copepod nauplii use phosphorus from bacteria, creating a short circuit in the microbial loop. Ecology Letters.

Závorka, L. et al. Aquatic Predators Influence Flux of Essential Micronutrients. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.


Barmentlo, S.H. et al. Environmental levels of neonicotinoids reduce prey consumption, mobility and emergence of the damselfly Ischnura elegans. Journal of Applied Ecology.

Church, S.H. et al. Insect egg size and shape evolve with ecology but not developmental rate. Nature.

Guo, W. et al. High air humidity is sufficient for successful egg incubation and early post‐embryonic development in the marbled crayfish (Procambarus virginalis). Freshwater Biology.

Jodoin, J.M. & Guichard, F. Non‐resource effects of foundation species on meta‐ecosystem stability and function. Oikos.

Khelifa, R. Females 'assist' sneaker males to dupe dominant males in a rare endemic damselfly: sexual conflict at its finest. Ecology.

Manica, M. et al. Applying the N‐mixture model approach to estimate mosquito population absolute abundance from monitoring data. Journal of Applied Ecology.


Desjonquères, C. Passive acoustic monitoring as a potential tool to survey animal and ecosystem processes in freshwater environments. Freshwater Biology.

Rémi, L. et al. Unclogging improvement based on interdate and interreach comparison of water release monitoring (Durance, France). River Research and Applications.

Szekeres, J. et al. Comparison of littoral and deep water sampling methods for assessing macroinvertebrate assemblages along the longitudinal profile of a very large river (the Danube River, Europe). River Research and Applications.

Tydecks, L. et al. A global survey of freshwater biological field stations. River Research and Applications.


Filion, A. et al. Alternative host identity and lake morphometry drive trematode transmission in brook charr. Oecologia.

Water Quality

Kauffman, G.J. Economic benefits of improved water quality in the Delaware River (USA). River Research and Applications.

Liu, X. Carbon and nutrient release from experimental inundation of agricultural and forested floodplain soil and vegetation: influence of floodplain land use on the development of hypoxic blackwater during floods. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Sirarajah, B. et al. Multiple environmental variables influence diatom assemblages across an arsenic gradient in 33 subarctic lakes near abandoned gold mines. Hydrobiologia.