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Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Allyn Dodd
Katherine O'Reilly

New Articles June 11th-17th

Freshwater-specific journals (4): Freshwater Science, Hydrobiologia, Marine and Freshwater Research, River Research and Applications

Broad-based journals (3):  Ecology, Oecologia, Proceedings for the National Academy of Sciences



Mayora, G., B. Schneider, and A. Rossi. Turbidity and dissolved organic matter as significant predictors of spatio‐temporal dynamics of phosphorus in a large river‐floodplain system. River Research and Applications.

Citizen Science

Weigelhofer, G., E.-M. Pölz, and T. Hein. Citizen science: how high school students can provide scientifically sound data in biogeochemical experiments. Freshwater Science.

Climate Change

Stephenson, S. A., T. M. Nelson, C. Streten, K. S. Gibb, D. Williams, P. Greenfield, and A. A. Chariton. Sea-level rise in northern Australia’s Kakadu National Park: a survey of floodplain eukaryotes. Marine and Freshwater Research.


Community Ecology

Smith, R. S., Blaze, J. A., Osborne, T. Z., & Byers, J. E. Facilitating your replacement? Ecosystem engineer legacy affects establishment success of an expanding competitor. Oecologia.

Shanks, D, S. C., & Salant, L. Surfzone hydrodynamics alter phytoplankton subsidies affecting reproductive output and growth of tidal filter feeders. Ecology.

Environmental Flows

Junxiang, C., X. Ligang, W. Xiaolong, J. Jiahu, and Y. Hailin. Assessment of hydrologic alteration induced by the Three Gorges Dam in Dongting Lake, China. River Research and Applications.

Vadher, A. N., J. Millett, R. Stubbington, and P. J. Wood. The duration of channel drying affects survival of Gammarus pulex (Amphipoda: Gammaridae) within subsurface sediments: an experimental flume study. Hydrobiologia.

Hydrology and Geomorphology

Harada S. & Li S.S. Combining remote sensing with physical flow laws to estimate river channel geometry. River Research and Applications.

Large Woody Debris

De Cicco Pina, N., E. Paris, V. Ruiz‐Villanueva, L. Solari, and M. Stoffel. In‐channel wood‐related hazards at bridges: A review. River Research and Applications.


Hughes, L. C., Ortí, G., Huang, Y., Sun, Y., Baldwin, C. C., Thompson, A. W., … Shi, Q. Comprehensive phylogeny of ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) based on transcriptomic and genomic data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Pérez-Moreno J.L., DeLeo D.M., Palero F. & Bracken-Grissom H.D. Phylogenetic annotation and genomic architecture of opsin genes in Crustacea. Hydrobiologia.


Mathews, L., Faithfull, C. L., Lenz, P. H., & Nelson, C. E. The effects of food stoichiometry and temperature on copepods are mediated by ontogeny. Oecologia.