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New Articles March 25 - 31

Sunday, March 31, 2019
Kasey Fralick

Freshwater-Specific Journals (5): Freshwater Science (7), Freshwater Biology (3), Hydrobiologia (3), River Research and Applications (6), Marine and Freshwater Research (3)

Broad-Based Journals (3): Ecology (2), Oecologia (2), Ecological Applications (1)

Aquatic-Terrestrial Subsidies

Erdozain M., Kidd K., Kreutzweiser D., & Sibley P. Increased reliance of stream macroinvertebrates on terrestrial food sources linked to forest management intensity. Ecological Applications.

Kelly S.P., Cuevas E., & Ramírez A. Urbanization increases the proportion of aquatic insects in the diets of riparian spiders. Freshwater Science.


Koperski P. Phylogenetic diversity of larval Chironomidae (Diptera) in lowland rivers as a potential tool in assessment of environmental quality. Hydrobiologia.

Citizen Science

August T.A., West S.E., Robson H., Lyon J., Huddart J., Velasquez L.F., & Thornhill I. Citizen meets social science: predicting volunteer involvement in a global freshwater monitoring experiment. Freshwater Science.

Cunha D.G.F., Magri R.A.F, Tromboni F., Ranieri V.E.L., Fendrich A.N., Campanhão L.M.B, Riveros E.V., & Velázquez J.A. Landscape patterns influence nutrient concentrations in aquatic systems: citizen science data from Brazil and Mexico. Freshwater Science.

Marsh D.M. & Cosentino B.J. Causes and consequences of non-random drop-outs for citizen science projects: lessons from the North American amphibian monitoring program. Freshwater Science.

Pecorelli J.P, Macphie K.H., Hebditch C., Clifton-Dey D.R.J., Thornhill I., & Debney A.J. Using citizen science to improve the conservation of the European Eel (Anguilla anguilla) in the Thames River Basin District. Freshwater Science.


Paerl H.W., Havens K.E., Hall N.S., Otten T.G., Zhu M., Xu H., Zhu G., & Qin B. Mitigating a global expansion of toxic cyanobacterial blooms: confounding effects and challenges posed by climate change. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Ecological Models

Lester R.E. Wise use: using ecological models to understand and manage aquatic ecosystems. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Food Webs

Balaban-Feld J., Mitchell W.A., Kotler B.P., Vijayan S., Elem L.T.T., & Abramsky Z. State-dependent foraging among social fish in a risky environment. Oecologia.

de Omena P.M., Srivastava D.S., & Romero G.Q. Consumptive effects and mismatch in predator–prey turnover rates cause inversion of biomass pyramids. Oecologia.

Lorenz P., Trommer G., & Stibor H. Impacts of increasing nitrogen:phosphorus ratios on zooplankton community composition and whitefish (Coregonus macrophthalmus) growth in a pre‐alpine lake. Freshwater Biology.

Martyniuk N., Modenutti B, & Balseiro E.G. Light intensity regulates stoichiometry of benthic grazers through changes in the quality of stream periphyton. Freshwater Science.


Castro J.M. & Thorne C.R. The stream evolution triangle: Integrating geology, hydrology, and biology. River Research and Applications.

Chen Y. & Wang Y. Changes in river connectivity indexes in the lower Yellow River between 1960 and 2015. River Research and Applications.

Hussein M.H. & Hameed I.A. An analysis of characteristic discharges for the Adaim River (Iraq) in multiyear period. River Research and Applications.

Invasive Species Ecology

Kurr M. & Davies A.J. The chemical defences of the invasive alga Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt correlate to mesoherbivore diversity, but not to time-since-invasion. Hydrobiologia.


Chung M-T., Trueman C.N., Godiksen J.A., & Grønkjær P. Otolith δ13C values as a metabolic proxy: approaches and mechanical underpinnings. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Rosenfeld J.S. & Naman S.M. A simple method for sampling invertebrate drift in large rivers and boulder‐bed streams. River Research and Applications.

Mollusc Ecology

Alda P., Bonel N., Cazzaniga N.J., Martorelli S.R., & Lafferty K.D. A strong colonizer rules the trematode guild in an intertidal snail host. Ecology.

Dubart M., Pantel J.H., Pointier J-P., Jarne P., & David P. Modelling competition, niche and coexistence between an invasive and a native species in a two‐species metapopulation. Ecology.

Lorencová E. & Horsák M. Environmental drivers of mollusc assemblage diversity in a system of lowland lentic habitats. Hydrobiologia.

Soler J., Wantzen K.M., & Arajuo R. Rhodeus amarus (Bloch, 1782): a new potential threat for Margaritifera auricularia (Spengler, 1793) (Unionoida, Margaritiferidae). Freshwater Science.

Reservoir Management

Patterson L.A. & Doyle M.W. Managing rivers under changing environmental and societal boundary conditions, Part 1: National trends and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reservoirs. River Research and Applications.

Patterson L.A., Tchamkina M., & Doyle M.W. Managing rivers under changing environmental and societal boundary conditions, Part 2: Expected compared with experienced conditions at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reservoirs. River Research and Applications.

Road Salt and Aquatic Ecosystems

Hintz W.D. & Relyea R.A. A review of the species, community, and ecosystem impacts of road salt salinisation in fresh waters. Freshwater Biology.

Salmonid Ecology

Bergerot B., Bret V., & Cattanéo F. Similarity in seasonal flow regimes, not regional environmental classifications explain synchrony in brown trout population dynamics in France. Freshwater Biology.