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New Articles for November 22 - 28, 2021

Monday, November 29, 2021
Ashlynn Boedecker


New Articles for November 22 - 28, 2021


AQUATIC SPECIFIC (36): Aquatic Ecology (1), Aquatic Sciences (6), Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (1), Freshwater Biology (8), Freshwater Science (1), Hydrobiologia (7), Journal of Great Lakes Research (7), Limnology and Oceanography (1), River Research Applications (4)

BROAD-BASED (1): Ecology Letters (1)

OA = Open Access



Ikram S.F., Uniyal V. & Kumar D. (2021). Changes in species composition of cyanobacterial and microalgal communities along a temperature gradient in Tapovan Hot Spring, Garhwal Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India. Aquatic Ecology.



Adams C.E., Honkanen H.M., Bryson E., Moore I.E., MacCormick M. & Dodd J.A. (2021). A comparison of trends in population size and life history features of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and anadromous and non-anadromous Brown trout (Salmo trutta) in a single catchment over 116 years. Hydrobiologia. (OA)

Borges I.L., Dangerfield J.C., Angeloni L.M., Funk W.C. & Fitzpatrick S.W. (2021). Reproductive benefits associated with dispersal in headwater populations of Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata). Ecology Letters.

Bullingham O.M.N., Firkus T.J., Goetz F.W., Murphy C.A. & Alderman S.L. (2021). Lake charr (Salvelinus namaycush) clotting response may act as a plasma biomarker of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) parasitism: Implications for management and wound assessment. Journal of Great Lakes Research. (OA)

Collier J.J., Chiotti J.A., Boase J., Mayer C.M., Vandergoot C.S. & Bossenbroek J.M. (2021). Assessing habitat for lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) reintroduction to the Maumee River, Ohio using habitat suitability index models. Journal of Great Lakes Research. (OA)

Deflem I.S., Van Den Eeckhaut F., Vandevoorde M., Calboli F.C.F., Raeymaekers J.A.M. & Volckaert F.A.M. (2021). Environmental and spatial determinants of parasite communities in invasive and native freshwater fishes. Hydrobiologia.

Kłosiński P., Kobak J., Augustyniak M., Pawlak R., Jermacz Ł., Poznańska-Kakareko M., et al. (2021). Behavioural responses to con- and heterospecific alarm cues by an alien and a coexisting native fish. Hydrobiologia. (OA)

Kovach R.P., Leary R.F., Bell D., Painter S., Lodmell A. & Whiteley A.R. (2021). Genetic variation in westslope cutthroat trout reveals that widespread genetic rescue is warranted. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.

Paredes del Puerto J.M., García I.D., Maiztegui T., Paracampo A.H., Rodrigues Capítulo L., Garcia de Souza J.R., et al. (2021). Impacts of land use and hydrological alterations on water quality and fish assemblage structure in headwater Pampean streams (Argentina). Aquatic Sciences 84, 6.

Ransom A.L., Houghton C.J., Hanson S.D., Hansen S.P., Shaffer M. & Forsythe P.S. (2021). Larval lake whitefish distribution in the open waters of Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research.

Sánchez-González J.R., Morcillo F., Ruiz-Legazpi J. & Sanz-Ronda F.J. (2021). Fish morphology and passage through velocity barriers. Experience with northern straight-mouth nase (Pseudochondrostoma duriense Coelho, 1985) in an open channel flume. Hydrobiologia. (OA)

Shelley J.J., Holland O.J., Swearer S.E., Dempster T., Le Feuvre M.C., Sherman C.D.H., et al. (2021). Landscape context and dispersal ability as determinants of population genetic structure in freshwater fishes. Freshwater Biology.

Ulaski M.E., Finkle H., Beaudreau A.H. & Westley P.A.H. (2021). Climate and conspecific density inform phenotypic forecasting of juvenile Pacific salmon body size. Freshwater Biology.

Vehanen T., Huusko A., Bergman E., Enefalk Å., Louhi P. & Sutela T. (2021). American mink (Neovison vison) preying on hatchery and wild brown trout (Salmo trutta) juveniles in semi-natural streams. Freshwater Biology. (OA)


Food Webs

Brown M.E., Buffington K.L., Cleckner L.B. & Razavi N.R. (2021). Elevated methylmercury concentration and trophic position of the non-native bloody red shrimp (Hemimysis anomala) increase biomagnification risk in nearshore food webs. Journal of Great Lakes Research.


Gas Dynamics

Colina M., Kosten S., Silvera N., Clemente J.M. & Meerhoff M. (2021). Carbon fluxes in subtropical shallow lakes: contrasting regimes differ in CH4 emissions. Hydrobiologia.



Demi L.M., Hughes D. & Taylor B.W. (2021). Characterizing the role of phosphorus availability and periphytic algae in the food choice and performance of detritivorous caddisflies (Trichoptera:Limnephilidae). Freshwater Science.

Dobler A.H. & Geist J. (2021). Impacts of native and invasive crayfish on three native and one invasive freshwater mussel species. Freshwater Biology. (OA)

George S.D., Duffy B.T., Baldigo B.P., Skaros D. & Smith A.J. (2021). Condition of macroinvertebrate communities in the Buffalo River Area of Concern following sediment remediation. Journal of Great Lakes Research. (OA)

Preston D.L., Crone E.R., Miller-ter Kuile A., Lewis C.D., Sauer E.L. & Trovillion D.C. (2021). Non-native freshwater snails: a global synthesis of invasion status, mechanisms of introduction, and interactions with natural enemies. Freshwater Biology. (OA)

Savić A., Zawal A., Stępień E., Pešić V., Stryjecki R., Pietrzak L., et al. (2021). Main macroinvertebrate community drivers and niche properties for characteristic species in urban/rural and lotic/lentic systems. Aquatic Sciences 84, 1. (OA)


Lake Dynamics

Detmer T.M., Parkos J.J. & Wahl D.H. (2021). Long-term data show effects of atmospheric temperature anomaly and reservoir size on water temperature, thermal structure, and dissolved oxygen. Aquatic Sciences 84, 3.



Ma F., Yang L., Zhang C., Tao M., Yu H., Liu C., et al. (2021). Functional evenness and community-weighted mean traits have strong correlation with macrophyte community productivity. Aquatic Sciences 84, 2.

Søndergaard M., Davidson T.A., Lauridsen T.L., Johansson L.S. & Jeppesen E. (2021). Submerged macrophytes in Danish lakes: impact of morphological and chemical factors on abundance and species richness. Hydrobiologia.



Randall A.M. (2021). Opportunities for bipartisanship: Comparing water and energy policy in the Great Lakes region. Journal of Great Lakes Research.



Ferreira V., Pazianoto L.H.R. & Solla A. (2021). Invasive forest pathogens affect the characteristics, microbial colonisation, and decomposition of leaf litter in streams. Freshwater Biology.

Ferreira V., Silva J., Cornut J. & Graça M.A.S. (2021). Microbial colonization and decomposition of commercial tea and native alder leaf litter in temperate streams. Aquatic Sciences 84, 4.

Pereira A. & Ferreira V. (2021). Increasing inputs of invasive N-fixing Acacia litter decrease litter decomposition and associated microbial activity in streams. Freshwater Biology.



Amorim C.A. & Moura A. do N. (2021). Habitat templates of phytoplankton functional groups in tropical reservoirs as a tool to understand environmental changes. Hydrobiologia.

Pineda A., Bortolini J.C. & Rodrigues L.C. (2021). Effects of space and environment on phytoplankton distribution in subtropical reservoirs depend on functional features of the species. Aquatic Sciences 84, 5.

Salk K.R., Venkiteswaran J.J., Couture R.-M., Higgins S.N., Paterson M.J. & Schiff S.L. (2021). Warming combined with experimental eutrophication intensifies lake phytoplankton blooms. Limnology and Oceanography. (OA)



Freitas J.B.A., Cabral J.J.S.P., Paiva A.L.R., Veras T.B., Barcellos R.L., Santos P.J.P., et al. (2021). Evidence of protective effects on aquifer recharge from polluted tropical rivers: An analysis of hyporheic meiofauna and sediments. River Research and Applications.

Williamson T.N., Shaffer K.H., Runkle D.L., Hardebeck M.J., Dobrowolski E.G., Frey J.W., et al. (2021). Nutrient and suspended-sediment concentrations in the Maumee River and tributaries during 2019 rain-induced fallow conditions. Journal of Great Lakes Research.


Stream/River Dynamics

Hu M., Xia B., Wang Y., Jiao M. & Wu M. (2021). Long-term surface water mapping in the Pearl River Delta based on multiple satellite images. River Research and Applications.

Miller R.L. & Young T.J. (2021). Reduced-complexity model of stream temperature. River Research and Applications. (OA)

Wang F., Luo Y. & Liu Z. (2021). Homogenization and locality of landscape characteristics in the waterfront space based on geotagged photographs. River Research and Applications.



Iglesias-Carrasco M., Cabido C. & Ord T.J. (2021). Natural toxins leached from Eucalyptus globulus plantations affect the development and life-history of anuran tadpoles. Freshwater Biology. (OA)