AQUATIC SPECIFIC (76): Aquatic Ecology (7), Aquatic Sciences (10), Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (7), Freshwater Biology (7), Freshwater Science (3), Hydrobiologia (12) Inland Waters (6), Limnology and Oceanography (17), River Research Applications (7)
BROAD-BASED (27): Bioscience (9), Ecological Applications (2), Ecology Letters (4), Frontiers of Ecology and the Environment (3), Global Change Biology (1), Nature (5), Oecologia (1), Trends in Ecology and Evolution (2)
OA = Open Access
Zhang, X., Hu, S., He, R., Sun, X., Wu, Q. L., Zeng, J., & Zhao, D. (2024). The structure of epiphytic and planktonic bacterial assemblages under two contrasting lake regimes. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–14.
Miserendino, M.L., Williams-Subiza, E.A., Brand, C. et al. Macroinvertebrate functional traits differed with land use practices at Patagonian streams. Aquat Sci 87, 3 (2025).
Wibowo, A., Kurniawan, K., Prakoso, V.A. et al. Characterizing spatial patterns among freshwater fishes and shrimps of the Poso River (Sulawesi, Indonesia) using DNA barcoding. Aquat Sci 87, 2 (2025). OA
Ballini, L., Staffoni, G., Nespoli, D. et al. Environmental DNA metabarcoding as an efficient tool to monitor freshwater systems in northwestern Italy. Hydrobiologia (2024).
Mary E Blair, Elkin A Noguera-Urbano, Jose Manuel Ochoa-Quintero, Andrea Paz, Cristina Lopez-Gallego, María Ángela Echeverry-Galvis, Juan Zuloaga, Pilar Rodríguez, Leonardo Lemus-Mejia, Peter Ersts, Daniel F López-Lozano, Matthew E Aiello-Lammens, Hector M Arango, Leonardo Buitrago, Samuel Chang Triguero, Cristian A Cruz-Rodríguez, Juan F Díaz-Nieto, Dairo Escobar, Valentina Grisales-Betancur, Bethany A Johnson, Jamie M Kass, María C Londoño-Murcia, Cory Merow, Carlos J Muñoz-Rodríguez, María Helena Olaya-Rodríguez, Juan L Parra, Gonzalo E Pinilla-Buitrago, Nicolette S Roach, Octavio Rojas-Soto, Néstor Roncancio-Duque, Erika Suárez-Valencia, J Nicolás Urbina-Cardona, Jorge Velásquez-Tibatá, Camilo A Zapata-Martinez, Robert P Anderson, Software codesign between end users and developers to enhance utility for biodiversity conservation, BioScience, 2024;, biae097, OA
Rongfei Su, Annah Lake Zhu, Shiyu Ye, Nan Jia, Ruishan Chen, Community-scale biodiversity conservation in cities, BioScience, 2024;, biae107,
Keller, H. A., & Lozano, V. L. (2024). Socioecological impacts of pine monocultures on Guaraní territories in Argentina: the hidden costs of modern development. Inland Waters, 1–15.
Meng, C., Xiao, X., Wagle, P., Zhang, C., Pan, L., Pan, B., Qin, Y. and Newman, G. (2024), Exponential or Unimodal Relationships Between Nighttime Ecosystem Respiration and Temperature at the Eddy Covariance Flux Tower Sites. Ecology Letters, 27: e14532. OA
Alba-Patiño, D., Delibes-Mateos, M. and Castro, A.J. (2024), Global mapping of social–ecological systems science in conservation conflict research. Front Ecol Environ e2806. OA
Moi, D., Kaufmann, P., Riato, L., Romero, G., Kratina, P., Teixeira de Mello, F. and Hughes, R. (2024), Habitat Diversity Mitigates the Impacts of Human Pressure on Stream Biodiversity. Glob Change Biol, 30: e17534.
Ferchiche, F., Liénart, C., Savoye, N. et al. Unlocking the potential of hydrogen isotopes (δ2H) in tracing riverine particulate organic matter sources and dynamics. Aquat Sci 87, 5 (2025).
Zhao, X., Song, Z., Wu, Y., Van Zwieten, L., Guo, L., Yu, C., Li, Z., Wu, L., Yang, X., Ran, X., Sun, J., Wei, Y., Wang, Y., Yuan, P., Zhang, J., Sun, X., Zuo, X., Vancov, T., Liu, C.-Q. and Wang, H. (2024), Biogenic silica dynamics in coastal wetland sediments: A key driver of silicon and carbon biogeochemical cycling. Limnol Oceanogr. OA
Jolin, Émilie, Julien Arsenault, Julie Talbot, Mahmud Hassan, and Line Rochefort. 2024. “ Are Pools Created When Restoring Extracted Peatlands Biogeochemically Similar to Natural Peatland Pools?” Ecological Applications e3052. OA
Uwiragiye, Y., Wang, J., Huang, Y., Wu, L., Zhou, J., Zhang, Y., Chen, M., Jing, H., Qian, Y., Elrys, A., Cheng, Y., Cai, Z., Xu, M., Chang, S. and Müller, C. (2024), Global Ecosystem Nitrogen Cycling Reciprocates Between Land-Use Conversion and Its Reversal. Glob Change Biol, 30: e17537. OA
Brandt, J.E., Wesner, J.S., Ruggerone, G.T. et al. Continental-scale nutrient and contaminant delivery by Pacific salmon. Nature 634, 875–882 (2024). OA
Climate Change
Ayllón, D., Blasco Hernanz, S., Nicola, G.G. et al. Mediterranean brown trout catch-and-release recreational fisheries might not be sustainable under concurrent climate warming and hydrological change. Hydrobiologia (2024).
Nagao, T. and Vinebrooke, R. (2024), Disentangling effects of droughts and heatwaves on alpine periphyton communities: A mesocosm experiment. Limnol. Oceanogr. Lett. OA
William J Ripple, Christopher Wolf, Jillian W Gregg, Johan Rockström, Michael E Mann, Naomi Oreskes, Timothy M Lenton, Stefan Rahmstorf, Thomas M Newsome, Chi Xu, Jens-Christian Svenning, Cássio Cardoso Pereira, Beverly E Law, Thomas W Crowther, The 2024 state of the climate report: Perilous times on planet Earth, BioScience, 2024;, biae087, OA
Schweiger, A. and Schweiger, J.-.-I. (2024), Significant Links Between Photosynthetic Capacity, Atmospheric CO2 and the Diversification of C3 Plants During the Last 80 Million Years. Ecology Letters, 27: e14523. OA
Pei, J., Fang, C., Li, B., Nie, M. and Li, J. (2024), Direct Evidence for Microbial Regulation of the Temperature Sensitivity of Soil Carbon Decomposition. Glob Change Biol, 30: e17523.
Witzgall, K., Hesse, B. D., Pacay-Barrientos, N. L., Jansa, J., Seguel, O., Oses, R., Buegger, F., Guigue, J., Rojas, C., Rousk, K., Grams, T. E. E., Pietrasiak, N., & Mueller, C. W. (2024). Soil carbon and nitrogen cycling at the atmosphere–soil interface: Quantifying the responses of biocrust–soil interactions to global change. Global Change Biology, 30, e17519. OA
Schleussner, CF., Ganti, G., Lejeune, Q. et al. Overconfidence in climate overshoot. Nature 634, 366–373 (2024). OA
Andrea K. Tokranov , Katherine M. Ransom, Laura M. Bexfield, Bruce D. Lindsey, Elise Watson, Danielle I. Dupuy, Paul E. Stackelberg, Miranda S. Fram, Stefan A. Voss, James A. Kingsbury, Bryant C. Jurgens, Kelly L., and Paul M. Bradley. (2024). Predictions of groundwater PFAS occurrence at drinking water supply depths in the United States. Science. OA
Urrutia-Cordero, P., Langvall, O., Weyhenmeyer, G. A., Hylander, S., Lundgren, M., Papadopoulou, S., Striebel, M., Lind, L., & Langenheder, S. (2024). Cyanobacteria can benefit from freshwater salinization following the collapse of dominant phytoplankton competitors and zooplankton herbivores. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–12. OA
Ladds, M., Sosik, H.M. and Gobler, C.J. (2024), Prey morphotype and abundance controls plastid retention and bloom dynamics for a mixotrophic dinoflagellate. Limnol Oceanogr. OA
Comfort, C.M., Ostrander, C., Nelson, C.E., Karl, D.M. and McManus, M.A. (2024), A 7-yr spatial time series resolves the island mass effect and associated shifts in picocyanobacteria abundances near O'ahu, Hawai'i. Limnol Oceanogr. OA
Lei, L., Liu, W., Chen, Z., Peng, L., Xiao, L.-J., Han, B.-P. and Neilan, B.A. (2024), Grazer-induced toxin production is energetically costly and significantly reduces growth of cylindrospermopsin-producing cyanobacteria. Limnol Oceanogr. OA
Perkins, D.W., Wight, A., Wondzell, M. and Friedman, J.M. (2024), Riparian Vegetated Area in Pre-Dam, Post-Dam, and Environmental Flow Periods in Canyonlands National Park From 1940 to 2022. River Res Applic. OA
Netti, M., Bozarth, S.J., Dickson, J.W. et al. Niche partitioning of food resources by freshwater mussels in a multispecies mussel bed in the Sabine River, Texas. Aquat Ecol (2024). OA
Ceriello, H., Brito, G.R., de Oliveira, B.F.R. et al. Bullseye: shotgun metagenomics taking aim at the microbial diversity associated with tubes of Ceriantharia. Aquat Ecol (2024).
Ballini, L., Staffoni, G., Nespoli, D. et al. Environmental DNA metabarcoding as an efficient tool to monitor freshwater systems in northwestern Italy. Hydrobiologia (2024).
Gibb, R.-L.A., Botha, D.K.L., Venkatachalam, S., Bizani, M., Bornman, T.G. and Dorrington, R.A. (2024), DNA metabarcoding reveals distinct bacterial and phytoplankton assemblages in the Agulhas Current and the adjacent coastal shelf. Limnol Oceanogr. OA
Mary E Lofton, Tadhg N Moore, Whitney M Woelmer, R Quinn Thomas, Cayelan C Carey, A modular curriculum to teach undergraduates ecological forecasting improves student and instructor confidence in their data science skills, BioScience, 2024;, biae089,
Paula Daza, Montserrat Arista, Regina Berjano, Pedro Ortiz, Hortensia Morón-Monge, Yasmine Antonini, Bee pollination and bee decline: A study about university students’ Knowledge and its educational implication, BioScience, 2024;, biae099, OA
Mariani, G., Moullec, F., Atwood, T.B., Clarkson, B., Conant, R.T., Cullen-Unsworth, L., Griscom, B., Gutt, J., Howard, J., Krause-Jensen, D., Leavitt, S.M., Lee, S.Y., Livesley, S.J., Macreadie, P.I., St-John, M., Zganjar, C., Cheung, W.W., Duarte, C.M., Shin, Y.-J., Singh, G.G., Loiseau, N., Troussellier, M. and Mouillot, D. (2024), Co-benefits of and trade-offs between natural climate solutions and Sustainable Development Goals. Front Ecol Environ e2807. OA
Saleh, Farid (2024). Peer review bullying threatens diversity, equity, and inclusion, Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 0-0.
Almazán-Becerril, A., Delgado-Pech, B., Peniche-Pérez, J.C. et al. A case of fish mortality caused by Prymnesium parvum in inland waters in Yucatan, Mexico. Aquat Ecol (2024). OA
Mr. Matthew Cheng, Dr. Daniel R. Goethel, Dr. Peter-John F. Hulson, Mrs. Katy B Echave, and Dr. Curry James Cunningham. ‘Slim pickings?’: Extreme large recruitment events may induce density-dependent reductions in growth for Alaska sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) with implications for stock assessment. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Just-IN
Mr. Caleb N Jetter, Dr. James A Crossman, Mr. Jason G McLellan, Mr. Andy L Miller, Dr. Molly A.H. Webb, and Mr. Eduardo G Martins. Implications of space use for recovery of white sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus in a transboundary reach of the Upper Columbia River . Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Just-IN b
Ms. Morgan Jenna Wright, Mr. Max Hurson, Ms. Kendra A. Robinson, Dr. David A Patterson, and Dr. Jeremy G Venditti. A typology of potential hydraulic barriers to adult salmon migration in a bedrock river. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Just-IN
Dr. Hyung-Bae Jeon, Dr. Matthew C. Yates, Mr. Brian K. Gallagher, and Dr. Dylan J. Fraser. Life's a ditch: demographic history and environmental factors shape fine-scale local adaptation within small populations of brook trout. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Just-IN
Mrs. Laurence Tissot, Dr. Véronique GOURAUD, Dr. Nicolas POULET, Dr. Hervé CAPRA, Prof.Dr. Franck Cattanéo, and Dr. Anthony Maire. Multidecadal trends in brown trout populations in France reveal a decline in adult abundance concomitant with environmental changes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Just-IN OA
Desai, C., Ghosal, R. Sexually immature green chromides exhibit choice-based decision making in the context of social preferences. Hydrobiologia (2024).
Prata, E.G., Seabra, L.B., Neres-Lima, V. et al. Diet composition and isotopic analysis unveil trophic dynamics of a fish in a controlled flood pulse area of the Amazonia. Hydrobiologia (2024).
Qian, T., Diao, F., Jeppesen, E. et al. No cascading negative effects of piscivorous fish stocking on phytoplankton biomass in subtropical shallow mesocosms: implications for lake restoration by biomanipulation. Hydrobiologia (2024).
Preiszner, B., Szolnoki, A., Czeglédi, I., & Erős, T. (2024). Effects of turbidity and habitat complexity on the foraging behavior of the black bullhead (Ameiurus melas). Inland Waters, 1–9.
Roth, M.S., Wagner, F., Roessger, T., Kopecki, I., Powalla, D. and Stamm, J. (2024), An Experimental Approach for the Quantitative Assessment of Downstream Swimming Fish Behavior. River Res Applic. OA
Koski, A., Koljonen, S. and Syrjänen, J. (2024), Fast Colonization of Wild Brown Trout in Nature-Like Compensation Channel. River Res Applic. OA
Cathcart, C., Falke, J., Fox, J., Henszey, R. and Lininger, K. (2024), Multiscale Processes Drive Formation of Logjam Habitats and Use by Juvenile Chinook Salmon Across a Boreal Stream Network in Alaska. River Res Applic. OA
Hedden, C., Rogowski, D., Boyer, J. and Mason-Sarantopulos, L. (2024), Temporal Patterns of Fish Occurrence in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon in Response to Temperature, Largescale Drought, and Newly Exposed Habitat. River Res Applic.
van Denderen, P. Daniël, Maider Plaza-Morlote, Sandrine Vaz, Sander Wijnhoven, Angel Borja, Ulla Fernandez-Arcaya, José M. González-Irusta, et al. 2024. “ Complementarity and Sensitivity of Benthic State Indicators to Bottom-Trawl Fishing Disturbance.” Ecological Applications e3050. OA
Rittweg, T.D., Trueman, C., Wiedenbeck, M. et al. Variable habitat use supports fine-scale population differentiation of a freshwater piscivore (northern pike, Esox lucius) along salinity gradients in brackish lagoons. Oecologia (2024). OA
Food Webs
Wang, J., Durand, J.R., Lawler, S.P., Chen, P.-Y. and Dong, X. (2024), Terrestrial support of wetland food webs via a dissolved inorganic carbon pathway. Limnol Oceanogr. OA
Turner, R.E., Rabalais, N.N. and Glaspie, C.N. (2024), A temperature tipping point in hypoxic zone size. Limnol Oceanogr. OA
Gas Dynamics
Audet, J., Levi, E.E., Jeppesen, E. and Davidson, T.A. (2024), Nutrient enrichment—but not warming—increases nitrous oxide emissions from shallow lake mesocosms. Limnol Oceanogr. OA
Borer, B., Bi, E., Woosley, R.J. and Babbin, A.R. (2024), Apparent nitrous acid dissociation across environmentally relevant temperatures in freshwater and seawater. Limnol Oceanogr. OA
Keyes, A., Barner, A. and Dee, L. (2024), Synthesising the Relationships Between Food Web Structure and Robustness. Ecology Letters, 27: e14533. OA
Bruhn, D., Slot, M. and Mercado, L. (2024), Simple and Accurate Representation of Cumulative Nighttime Leaf Respiratory CO2 Efflux. Glob Change Biol, 30: e17529. OA
Ferchiche, F., Liénart, C., Savoye, N. et al. Unlocking the potential of hydrogen isotopes (δ2H) in tracing riverine particulate organic matter sources and dynamics. Aquat Sci 87, 5 (2025).
Ms. Alicia S. Miller, Dr. Laura K. Solinger, Dr. Burton Shank, Ms. Alessandra Huamani, Dr. Michael J. Asaro, and Dr. Douglas Sigourney. Gearing up: Methods for quantifying gear density for fixed-gear commercial fisheries in the U.S. Atlantic. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Just-IN OA
Invasive Species
Savić, A., Dmitrović, D., Martínez, A., & Pešić, V. (2024). Ecological impact of freshwater invaders: A case study of gastropod assemblages in karstic spring ecosystems. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–15.
Olden, J. D. (2024). Autonomous suction harvesting as a novel approach to aquatic invasive plant control. Freshwater Science, 000-000.
He, Z., Zhang, X., Fan, S. et al. Effects of the interspecific competition between Eichhornia crassipes and Alternanthera philoxeroides and the additional impact of their biological control agents: relevance for aquatic weed management. Hydrobiologia (2024).
de Camargo Cremonez, M.P., Cunico, A.M. & Gomes, L.C. Aquaculture activities associated with the invasion of Oreochromis niloticus and changes in stream fish diversity. Hydrobiologia (2024).
Simone Guareschi, Kate L Mathers, Josie South, Laetitia M Navarro, Trevor Renals, Alice Hiley, Marco Antonsich, Rossano Bolpagni, Alejandro Bortolus, Piero Genovesi, Arthertone Jere, Takudzwa C Madzivanzira, Fortunate M Phaka, Ana Novoa, Julian D Olden, Mattia Saccó, Ross T Shackleton, Montserrat Vilà, Paul J Wood, Framing challenges and polarized issues in invasion science: toward an interdisciplinary agenda, BioScience, 2024;, biae084, OA
Cleo Bertelsmeier, Aymeric Bonnamour, Eckehard G Brockerhoff, Petr Pyšek, Jiří Skuhrovec, David M Richardson, Andrew M Liebhold, Global proliferation of nonnative plants is a major driver of insect invasions, BioScience, 2024;, biae088, OA
Camille L Musseau, Maud Bernard-Verdier, Tina Heger, Leonidas H Skopeteas, David Strasiewsky, Daniel Mietchen, Jonathan M Jeschke, A conceptual classification scheme of invasion science, BioScience, 2024;, biae093, OA
Nery, L., Carvalho, B., Dias-Silva, K. et al. Distribution and conservation of semiaquatic bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerromorpha) in the states of Alagoas and Sergipe, northeastern Brazil. Aquat Ecol (2024).
Miserendino, M.L., Williams-Subiza, E.A., Brand, C. et al. Macroinvertebrate functional traits differed with land use practices at Patagonian streams. Aquat Sci 87, 3 (2025).
Al-Haddad, S., Caldwell, G.S. & Clare, A.S. The effect of environmental and anthropogenic factors on the microbiome of the sponge, Halichondria panicea, at three coastal sites with different bathing water quality in North east England. Aquat Sci 87, 6 (2025). OA
Mr. Sam Cutcliffe, Dr. Benjamin Misiuk, Dr. Peter Porskamp, Dr. Katleen Robert, Dr. Francisco Javier Murillo, and Dr. Craig John Brown. Benthic habitat mapping of the glass sponge (Vazella pourtalesii), and associated community composition on Sambro Bank, Scotian Shelf, Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Just-IN OA
Kubala, M. E., Hopper, G. W., González, I. S., Jackson, C. R., & Atkinson, C. L. (2024). Freshwater mussels enhance sediment nitrogen-removal potentials and alter bacterial communities via nutrient release and bioturbation. Freshwater Science, 000–000.
Becker, É.C., Macedo-Soares, L.C.P., Marcolin, C.R., Brandão, M.C., Stemmann, L., Mazzocchi, M.G. and Freire, A.S. (2024), Oceanographic features boost latitudinal patterns in copepod body size distribution in the South Atlantic. Limnol Oceanogr. OA
Ferchiche, F., Liénart, C., Savoye, N. et al. Unlocking the potential of hydrogen isotopes (δ2H) in tracing riverine particulate organic matter sources and dynamics. Aquat Sci 87, 5 (2025).
Lake Dynamics
Ma, R., Soininen, J., Zhou, A., Ji, P., Jiang, T., Martín-Devasa, R., & Chen, J. (2024). Temporal dynamics of alpha and beta diversity of lake algae: Opposing patterns and influencing factors over the past 200 years. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–14.
Jones, K., Liess, A. & Sjöstedt, J. Microbial carbon utilization in a boreal lake under the combined pressures of brownification and eutrophication: insights from a field experiment. Hydrobiologia (2024). OA
Qian, T., Diao, F., Jeppesen, E. et al. No cascading negative effects of piscivorous fish stocking on phytoplankton biomass in subtropical shallow mesocosms: implications for lake restoration by biomanipulation. Hydrobiologia (2024).
Scordo, F., Seitz, C., Abasto, B., Spetter, C. V., Cintia Piccolo, M., Buria, L., & Perillo, G. M. E. (2024). Nutrients limiting the growth of planktonic and benthic-littoral primary producers in Patagonian Andean Lakes. Inland Waters, 1–31.
Zhang, X., Wang, L., Deng, Z., Blair, D., Hu, W. and Yin, M. (2024), Adaptation of a keystone aquatic crustacean to cold temperatures on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Limnol Oceanogr. OA
Soares, L.M.V., Desgué-Itier, O., Barouillet, C., Casenave, C., Domaizon, I., Frossard, V., Hairston, N.G., Jr., Lami, A., Lemaire, B.J., Saulnier, G.-M., Soulignac, F., Vinçon-Leite, B. and Jenny, J.-P. (2024), Unraveling Lake Geneva's hypoxia crisis in the Anthropocene. Limnol. Oceanogr. Lett. OA
Cheng, C., Si, W., Su, H., Chen, J., Rao, Q., Lin, Y., Xu, S., Hua, Z., Peng, Y., Xu, N., Xie, P., & Chen, J. (2024). Density-driven facilitations increase ecological resilience under eutrophic stress. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–14.
Horinouchi, Yusuke, Kosei Mochizuki, Kensuke Ichihara, and Tatsuya Togashi. 2024. “ In a Grain of Sand: An Overlooked Over-Summering Habitat of Macroalgae.” Ecology e4447.
da Silva, E.C., de Azevedo, K.F.S., de Carvalho, F.G. et al. Impacts of oil palm monocultures on freshwater ecosystems in the Amazon: a case study of dragonflies and damselflies (Insecta: Odonata). Aquat Sci 87, 1 (2025).
Gelder, J., Benitez, J.-P., Colson, D., Sonny, D. and Ovidio, M. (2024), Evaluating the Efficiency of a Fishway Installed Near a High, Artificially Created Waterfall. River Res Applic.
Callaghan, C.T., Winnebald, C., Smith, B., Mason, B.M. and López-Hoffman, L. (2024), Citizen science as a valuable tool for environmental review. Front Ecol Environ e2808. OA
Chynel, M., Abril, G., Narayaninsamy, M., Deirmendjian, L., Guérin, F., Dromard, C. and Meziane, T. (2024), Sargassum beaching on mangrove sediments shifts microbial and crab metabolisms and enhances blue carbon storage. Limnol Oceanogr. OA
Meng, C., Xiao, X., Wagle, P., Zhang, C., Pan, L., Pan, B., Qin, Y. and Newman, G. (2024), Exponential or Unimodal Relationships Between Nighttime Ecosystem Respiration and Temperature at the Eddy Covariance Flux Tower Sites. Ecology Letters, 27: e14532.
Tang, Q., Xu, L., Wang, L. et al. Positive linear relationship between phytoplankton diversity and productivity in an artificial reef ecosystem. Aquat Ecol (2024). OA
Jin, Z., Jin, H., Gao, B. et al. Effects of filter-feeding bivalves in benthic and pelagic habitats on plankton community and water quality in shallow systems: implications for lake rehabilitation. Aquat Ecol (2024).
Suba, V.O., Khan, M.S., Miruka, J. et al. Seasonal phytoplankton ecosystem dynamics in response to environmental variables in Winam Gulf, Lake Victoria, Kenya. Aquat Sci 87, 4 (2025).
Sethna, L. R., & Royer, T. V. (2024). Response of dissolved organic matter to variation in nutrient availability and phytoplankton community composition in a mesotrophic, temperate-zone reservoir. Freshwater Science, 000–000.
Miano, F., Asadzadeh, S.S., Ryderheim, F., Andersen, A. and Kiørboe, T. (2024), High-speed escape jumps in haptophytes: Mechanism and triggering fluid signal. Limnol Oceanogr.
E Dale Broder, Bethann Garramon Merkle, Meena M Balgopal, Emily G Weigel, Shannon M Murphy, Joshua J Caffrey, Eileen A Hebets, Anna A Sher, Jennifer M Gumm, Jennifer Lee, Chris J Schell, Robin M Tinghitella, Use your power for good: Collective action to overcome institutional injustices impeding ethical science communication in the academy, BioScience, 2024;, biae080,
Wankmüller, F.J.P., Delval, L., Lehmann, P. et al. Global influence of soil texture on ecosystem water limitation. Nature (2024).
Wang, X., Browning, T.J., Achterberg, E.P. and Gledhill, M. (2024), Different elemental stoichiometries of Fe-limited Trichodesmium when grown under inorganic and organic phosphorus sources. Limnol Oceanogr. OA
Stream/River Dynamics
Fenoy, E., Moya-Laraño, J., Rubio-Ríos, J., Moyano-López, F. J., & Casas, J. J. (2024). Litter quality modulates the effects of environmental drivers on microbial decomposition and home-field advantage in headwater streams. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–13. OA
McLeod, Anne M. et al. (2024). Quantifying elemental diversity to study landscape ecosystem function. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 0-0. OA
Olmo, C., Ramos-Jiliberto, R., Boix, D., López, C., & Barbosa, L. G. (2024). Temporary lentic waterbodies of Latin America and the Caribbean: a scientometric study. Inland Waters, 1–16.
Brinkerhoff, C.B. (2024), The importance of source data in river network connectivity modeling: A review. Limnol Oceanogr.
Gittins, J., Picken, J. and Dajka, J.-C. (2024), A Leverage Points Framework To Manage Changes in River Health. River Res Applic.
Geyman, E.C., Douglas, M.M., Avouac, JP. et al. Permafrost slows Arctic riverbank erosion. Nature 634, 359–365 (2024). OA
Williams, B.A., Beyer, H.L., Fagan, M.E. et al. Global potential for natural regeneration in deforested tropical regions. Nature (2024). OA
Kumai, Y., Kuroki, M., Sasaki, T. et al. Asymmetric competition for habitats between the temperate Japanese eel Anguilla japonica and the tropical Indo-Pacific eel A. marmorata. Aquat Sci 86, 111 (2024). OA
Goeke, J. A., Barton, M., Trexler, J. C., Cook, M. I., Newman, S., & Dorn, N. J. (2024). Linking fish bioturbation to life history in a eutrophic wetland: An analysis of fish contributions to internal nutrient loading. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–13.
Zhao, X., Song, Z., Wu, Y., Van Zwieten, L., Guo, L., Yu, C., Li, Z., Wu, L., Yang, X., Ran, X., Sun, J., Wei, Y., Wang, Y., Yuan, P., Zhang, J., Sun, X., Zuo, X., Vancov, T., Liu, C.-Q. and Wang, H. (2024), Biogenic silica dynamics in coastal wetland sediments: A key driver of silicon and carbon biogeochemical cycling. Limnol Oceanogr. OA
Mason, V., Burden, A., Epstein, G., Jupe, L., Wood, K. and Skov, M. (2024), Navigating Research Challenges to Estimate Blue Carbon Benefits From Saltmarsh Restoration. Glob Change Biol, 30: e17526. OA
Winter Limnology
Austin, J. (2024), What controls the onset of winter stratification in a deep, dimictic lake?. Limnol Oceanogr. OA
Dugan, H.A., Ladwig, R., Schramm, P. and Lottig, N.R. (2024), Snow removal cools a small dystrophic lake. Limnol. Oceanogr. Lett. OA
Jin, Z., Jin, H., Gao, B. et al. Effects of filter-feeding bivalves in benthic and pelagic habitats on plankton community and water quality in shallow systems: implications for lake rehabilitation. Aquat Ecol (2024).
Silva, J.V.F., Velho, L.F.M., Lansac-Tôha, F.A. et al. 30 year review of the zooplankton in three conservation units on the Upper Paraná River, Brazil, with notes for stressors, flood pulse, and public politics. Hydrobiologia (2024).
Qian, T., Diao, F., Jeppesen, E. et al. No cascading negative effects of piscivorous fish stocking on phytoplankton biomass in subtropical shallow mesocosms: implications for lake restoration by biomanipulation. Hydrobiologia (2024).
Flores-Mendez, D. N., Fernández, C. E., & Campero, M. (2024). Temperature and ultraviolet radiation on a high mountain daphnid: When do interactions become lethal to highly adapted populations? Inland Waters, 1–10.