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New Articles for September 1st - 25th, 2024

Monday, September 30, 2024
Amaryllis Adey
Jacqueline Todd
Deandre Presswood
Fahmida Akhter

New Articles for September 1st - 25th, 2024


AQUATIC SPECIFIC (36): Aquatic Ecology (4), Aquatic Sciences (4), Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (6), Freshwater Biology (10), Freshwater Science (12), Hydrobiologia (13), Inland Waters (2), Journal of Great Lakes Research (3), Limnology and Oceanography (2), Limnology and Oceanography Letters (1), River Research Applications (6)

BROAD-BASED (12): Bioscience (4), Ecology (2), Frontiers of Ecology and the Environment (1), Global Change Biology (4), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (1)



Huck, M. A., Bateman, H. L., de Albuquerque, F. S., & Lewis, J. S. (2024). Anuran occupancy varies with stream characteristics and flow across Arizona wilderness areas. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–18.


Ito, Bun, and Yasukazu Okada. 2024. “ Phytotelmata-Dwelling Frog Larvae Might Exhibit No Defecation: A Unique Adaptation to a Closed Aquatic Environment.” Ecology e4428.


Rosales, Alayna M., Travis E. Wilcoxen, and John A. Marino. “CO2 and Acidification Effects on Larval Frog Immune Function, Growth, and Survival.” Freshwater Science 43, no. 3 (September 2024): 353–63.



Shigoley, M.I., Antoine-Moussiaux, N., Jauniaux, T. et al. Parasitology of one of the world’s foremost fisheries target species lacks a One Health approach. Hydrobiologia (2024).



Dybdahl, Anne-Kirstine, Cecilie M. H. Holmboe, Annette Baattrup-Pedersen, Tenna Riis, and Ada Pastor. “Temperature Dependence of Biofilm Metabolism in a Lowland Stream.” Freshwater Science 43, no. 3 (September 2024): 277–87.


Liddick, M.J., Rier, S.T. The entrainment of polyester microfibers modifies the structure and function of periphytic biofilms. Hydrobiologia (2024).



Janssen, D.J., Damanik, A., Tournier, N., Tolu, J., Winkel, L., Cahyarini, S.Y. and Vogel, H. (2024), Biogeochemical cycling of trace elements and nutrients in ferruginous waters: Constraints from a deep oligotrophic ancient lake. Limnol Oceanogr.


Serchan, Satish P., Steven M. Wondzell, Roy Haggerty, Robert Pennington, Kevin Feris, Angelo Sanfilippo, Daniele Tonina, and W. Jeffery Reeder. “Buried Particulate Organic C Fuels Heterotrophic Metabolism in the Hyporheic Zone of a Montane Headwater Stream.” Freshwater Science 43, no. 3 (September 2024): 288–306.


Climate Change

Arcanjo-Oliveira, B., Lima, L.B. & Lima-Junior, D.P. Effect of fire and environmental temperature on the reproductive recruitment of Neotropical freshwater turtles. Aquat Ecol (2024).



Ciocan, C., Jha, K., Annels, C., Kozloski, R., Steyl, I., & Bray, S. (2024). Release of a “forever material” from end-of-life boats and glass-reinforced composite boats is pervasive and entering food chains. Global Change Biology, 30, e17520.


de Campos Júnior, E.O., Pereira, B.B. & Barros, N.O. Integrating real-time monitoring and ecotoxicology using a neotropical stream as a study case. Hydrobiologia (2024).


Dong, A., Dong, H., Zhang, T. et al. The acute toxicity of cadmium on turtle Mauremys reevesii. Aquat Ecol (2024).


Klock, Angela M., Christian E. Torgersen, Marilyn C. Roberts, Daniel J. Vogt, and Kristiina A. Vogt. “Environmental Drivers and Spatial Patterns of Antibiotic-Resistant, Enteric Coliforms across a Forest–Urban Riverscape.” Freshwater Science 43, no. 3 (September 2024): 231–49.


Singh, G., Sharma, S. Heavy metal contamination in fish: sources, mechanisms and consequences. Aquat Sci 86, 107 (2024).


Thompson, Richard C., Winnie Courtene-Jones, Julien Boucher, Sabine Pahl, Karen Raubenheimer, and Albert A. Koelmans. “Twenty Years of Microplastics Pollution Research—What Have We Learned?” Science 0, no. 0 (September 19, 2024): eadl2746.


Valleau, R.E., Murray, K.G., Paterson, A.M. et al. Publisher Correction: Comparing long-term changes in cladoceran and diatom assemblages from a lake impacted by road salt seepage to a nearby reference lake near Toronto (Ontario, Canada). Hydrobiologia (2024).



Genzoli, Laurel, Robert O. Hall, Timothy G. Otten, Grant S. Johnson, Joanna R. Blaszczak, and Jacob Kann. “Benthic Cyanobacterial Proliferations Drive Anatoxin Production throughout the Klamath River Watershed, California, USA.” Freshwater Science 43, no. 3 (September 2024): 307–24.



Van Nynatten, A., Castañeda, R. A., Chakona, A., Lovejoy, N. R., Weyl, O. L. F., & Mandrak, N. E. (2024). Environmental DNA metabarcoding in the Cape Fold aquatic ecoregion: Opportunities and challenges for eDNA uptake in an endemism hotspot. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–13.



Ryan E Emanuel, The Pocosin's Lesson: Translating respect for Indigenous knowledge systems in environmental research, BioScience, 2024;, biae078,



Brennan, K.G., Brennan, S.R., Cline, T. and Bowen, G.J. (2024), Delineating population structure of resilient sea/river-type sockeye salmon. Limnol. Oceanogr. Lett.


Cittadino, S., Tarkan, A.S., Aksu, S. et al. Individual variability in the movement ecology of Northern pike Esox lucius in a highly connected wetland system. Aquat Sci 86, 105 (2024).


Cowan, Z.-L., Green, L., Clark, T. D., Blewett, T. A., De Bonville, J., Gagnon, T., Hoots, E., Kuchenmüller, L., Leeuwis, R. H. J., Navajas Acedo, J., Rowsey, L. E., Scheuffele, H., Skeeles, M. R., Silva-Garay, L., Jutfelt, F., & Binning, S. A. (2024). Global change and premature hatching of aquatic embryos. Global Change Biology, 30, e17488.


Ms. Joanna Wynne Elmore, Dr. Taylor Wilcox, Dr. Michael Young, Mr. Steve Kopp, Dr. Kellie Carim, Mr. Daniel Mason, Mr. Thomas Franklin, and Dr. Michael Schwartz. The riverscape on a chip: High-throughput qPCR enables basin-wide fishery assessments. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Just-IN


Griffen, E. and Weber, M. (2024), Environmental Factors Associated With Fish Reproduction in Regulated Rivers. River Res Applic.


Dr. Avril M Harder, Dr. Aimee N Reed, and Dr. Freya Rowland. Evolutionary perspectives on thiamine supplementation of managed Pacific salmonid populations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Just-IN


Hodge, B., Henderson, R. and Brehme, C. (2024), Stream Restoration Effects on Habitat and Abundance of Native Cutthroat Trout. River Res Applic.


Nelson, T. R., Lehman, B. M., Demetras, N. J., Takata, L., Young, M. J., Feyrer, F., & Michel, C. J. (2024). Anthropogenic and environmental risk factors of salmonid predation in a tidal freshwater delta. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–17.


Levin, B.A., Komarova, A.S., Tiunov, A.V. et al. Correction: Liem’s paradox in parallel trophic diversifications of polyploid fish: from preadaptive polymorphism to trophic specialization. Hydrobiologia (2024).


Dr. Sean Alois Lewandoski and Dr. Travis O. Brenden. A Modeling Framework for Quantifying Spatial Recruitment Dynamics Using Abundance Estimation and Sibship Analysis. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Just-IN


Dr. Samuel May and Dr. Peter A. H. Westley. The Cost of Hatchery Straying: An Economic Case Study on Alaska Pink Salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Just-IN


Dr. Marco A. Rodríguez, Dr. Marine Lemaire, Dr. Vincent Fugère, Dr. Marie-France Barrette, Ms. Stéphanie Gagné, Dr. Véronique Leclerc, Prof. Olivier Morissette, Dr. Rémy Pouliot, Ms. Annick St-Pierre, Dr. Katrine Turgeon, Ms. Katherine Velghe, Dr. Jean-Christophe Guay, and Dr. Beatrix E Beisner. Assessing the potential responses of ten important fisheries species to a changing climate with machine learning and observational data across the province of Québec. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Just-IN


Shi, L., Xiang, T., Dong, X., Xu, C., Wang, H., Jeppesen, E., & Xie, P. (2024). Homogenization of fish assemblages in an endemic biodiversity hot spot: Evidence from 70-year data from the Yun-Gui Plateau, China. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–16.


Dr. Benjamin A. Staton, Dr. William R Bechtol, Dr. Lewis G. Coggins Jr., Mr. Gary Decossas, and Mrs. Janessa Esquible. In-season monitoring of harvest and effort from a large-scale subsistence salmon fishery in western Alaska. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Just-IN


Tang, B., Ding, L., Ding, C., He, D., Su, H., & Tao, J. (2024). Otolith reliability is context-dependent for estimating warming and CO2 acidification impacts on fish growth. Global Change Biology, 30, e17501.


Yancy, Lauren E., Noah S. Santee, Emily B. Parker, M. Jake Madewell, Fernando E. Chavez, Lucas W. Stevens, Jacob P. Wolff, Hannah A. Evans, and Joshuah S. Perkin. “A Framework for Integrating Stream Ecosystem Theories into Spatial Modeling of Fish Richness and Assemblage Structure.” Freshwater Science 43, no. 3 (September 2024): 261–76.



Liu, Ruoqi, Jinwei Dong, Luguang Jiang, Yong Ge, Chang Fan, Tong Yang, and Geli Zhang. “Agricultural Flood Resistance Enhanced after Returning Farmlands to Lakes.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121, no. 39 (September 24, 2024): e2410967121.


Food Webs

Altieri, P., Rodrigues Capítulo, A. & Ocon, C. Food web simplification driven by land use in lowland riverine wetlands. Aquat Sci 86, 108 (2024).


Capo, E., Picard, M., Nakane, K., Kuwae, M., Bertilsson, S., Kagami, M., Liu, X., Sakai, Y., & Tsugeki, N. (2024). A sedimentary DNA perspective about the influence of environmental and food-web changes on the microbial eukaryotic community of Lake Biwa. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–15.


Kirschman, Lucas J., Kelley A. Fritz, Hannah McKinnon Reish, Amber N. Tyler, Kimberlee Abt, Parker Durbin, Jackson L. Sprague, Rebecca F. Witty, and YanFeng Zhang. “Subsidies of Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, Not Energy Subsidies, Strengthen Immune Responses in a Terrestrial Predator.” Freshwater Science 43, no. 3 (September 2024): 250–60.


Maitland, Bryan M., Harvey A. Bootsma, Charles R. Bronte, David B. Bunnell, Zachary S. Feiner, Kari H. Fenske, William W. Fetzer, et al. 2024. “Testing Food Web Theory in a Large Lake: The Role of Body Size in Habitat Coupling in Lake Michigan.” Ecology e4413.



Smith, K.A., McKenzie, J.M. and Kurylyk, B.L. (2024), Tidal pumping and intertidal groundwater springs create pronounced spatiotemporal thermal variability in a coastal lagoon. Limnol Oceanogr.


Invasive Species

Lehman, John T. “A New Invasion of the St. Lawrence River Estuary and Great Lakes Ecosystems?” Journal of Great Lakes Research, September 17, 2024, 102438.



Bello-González, Orestes C., Norman Mercado-Silva, Alejandra Vázquez-Lobo, and Carlos Pedraza Lara. “Parochlus Enderlein, 1912 (Chironomidae, Podonominae) in the Mountains of Chiapas, Mexico, Evidences Dispersal via Continental America.” Freshwater Science 43, no. 3 (September 2024): 364–72.


Blalock, Annie G., Qiting Cai, Jessica R. Corman, Steven A. Thomas, and Eric K. Moody. “Hydrology Has Stronger Effects than Periphyton Stoichiometry on Lotic Invertebrate Functional Diversity across North America.” Freshwater Science 43, no. 3 (September 2024): 340–52.


Clavijo, C., Miyahira, I.C. & Bassó, A. The freshwaters bivalves of La Plata Basin in the Anthropocene. Hydrobiologia (2024).


Huff, A., Rigdon, M., Zalusky, J., Katsev, S., & Ozersky, T. (2024). Invasive mussels reduce community bioturbation but do not affect oxygen penetration or nutrient fluxes in organic-poor Great Lakes sediments. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–14.


(2024), Correction to “Individual and combined impacts of carbon dioxide enrichment, heatwaves, flow velocity variability, and fine sediment deposition on stream invertebrate communities”. Glob Change Biol, 30: e17510.


Leal, M.F., Nogueira Júnior, M., Dantas, K.K.S. et al. Structure and dynamics of mollusk communities from intermittent rivers in Brazilian semiarid region. Aquat Ecol (2024).


Nakamura, K., Wantzen, K.M., Soler, J. et al. Correction: Synopsis of the European Freshwater Mussels: Pseudunio auricularius (Spengler, 1793), the Giant Freshwater Pearl Mussel. Hydrobiologia (2024).


England, J., White, J. C., Johns, T., Meadows, G., & Hannah, D. M. (2024). Initial ecological recovery post-weir removal amidst catchment-wide improvements, in a groundwater-dominated chalk stream. River Research and Applications, 1–13.


Robert, A., Pinel-Alloul, B., Taranu, Z.E. et al. Green landscape and macrophyte cover influence macroinvertebrate taxonomic and functional feeding groups in urban waterbodies at multiple spatial scales. Aquat Sci 86, 104 (2024).


Roy, M., Aditya, G. & Nandi, N.C. Drivers of the diversity and spatial heterogeneity of aquatic snails in estuarine habitats: evidence from West Bengal in India. Aquat Ecol (2024).


Yuan, Lester L., Daren M. Carlisle, Richard M. Mitchell, and Amina I. Pollard. “Using Models of Local Environmental Conditions for Biological Assessment.” Freshwater Science 43, no. 3 (September 2024): 325–39.


Výravský, D., Hřívová, D. K., Horsák, M., & Zhai, M. (2024). Effects of spatial versus seasonal sources of environmental variability in springs: a case study of microcrustaceans (Ostracoda, Harpacticoida) in a calcareous helocrene. Inland Waters, 1–34.


White, J. C., Seddon, E., Hill, M. J., Mathers, K. L., Bridger, M., Hannah, D. M., & Wood, P. J. (2024). Going to the archives: Combining palaeoecological and contemporary data to support river restoration appraisals. River Research and Applications, 1–14.


Zheng, P., Jiang, X., Shu, F. et al. Correction: Comparative effects of river–lake disconnection on taxonomic and functional composition of molluscan assemblages in floodplain lakes. Hydrobiologia (2024).


Lake Dynamics

Alcocer, J., Vargas-Sánchez, M., Rivera-Herrera, E. M., Oseguera, L. A., & Sánchez-Carrillo, S. (2024). Limnological comparison of pristine and impacted lakes from a tropical, high-altitude karst region in southern Mexico. Inland Waters, 1–12.



Bunting, Erin L., Lucas Rabins, Ethan J. Theuerkauf, and Elizabeth A. Mack. “Patterns of Geospatial Data and Imagery Use within Coastal Communities along the Great Lakes of the United States.” Journal of Great Lakes Research, September 7, 2024, 102418.


Díaz Vázquez, J., McCullough, I.M., Haite, M., Soranno, P.A. and Cheruvelil, K.S. (2024), US lakes are monitored disproportionately less in communities of color. Front Ecol Environ e2803.


Fuller, M. ., Detenbeck, N. ., Leinenbach, P., Labiosa, R. and Isaak, D. (2024), Scenario Planning Management Actions to Restore Cold Water Stream Habitat: Comparing Mechanistic and Statistical Modeling Approaches. River Res Applic.

Katherine B Lininger, Rebecca Lave, River restoration can increase carbon storage but is not yet a suitable basis for carbon credits, BioScience, 2024;, biae083,



Anil, A. N., Mehdi, I., Douda, K., Smith, C., & Reichard, M. (2024). Reciprocal transplant experiments demonstrate a dynamic coevolutionary relationship between parasitic mussel larvae and bitterling fishes. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–12.



Farragher, M.J., Hazuková, V., Gawley, W.G. et al. Comparing seasonal heterogeneity of phytoplankton habitat and community in northern lakes with low to moderate but historically variable DOC concentrations. Hydrobiologia (2024).


Remote Sensing

Fleming, E. (2024), Unveiling Stage Zero Conditions in the New Forest National Park: A UAV-Based Structure-From-Motion Photogrammetry and LiDAR Approach for Reconstructing an Anastomosing Wet Woodland at the Avon Water. River Res Applic.


Renewable Energy

Oliveira, P.M.B., Almeida, R.M. & Cardoso, S.J. Effects of floating photovoltaics on aquatic organisms: a review. Hydrobiologia (2024).



Robert D Fish, Gail E Austen, Martin Dallimer, Jessica C Fisher, Katherine N Irvine, Maximilian Nawrath, Zoe G Davies, Lingua franca or lingua cultura? Understanding the language of biodiversity, BioScience, 2024;, biae076,



Pomázi, F. and Baranya, S. (2024), Simulation-Based Assessment of Fine Sediment Transport to Support River Restoration Measures. River Res Applic.


Stream/River Dynamics

Baattrup-Pedersen, A., Friis, K.B., Friberg, N. et al. Inter-linkages between in-stream plant diversity and macroinvertebrate communities. Hydrobiologia (2024).


Busch, M. H., Boersma, K. S., Cook, S. C., Jones, C. N., Loflen, C., Mazor, R. D., Stancheva, R., Price, A. N., Stubbington, R., Zimmer, M. A., & Allen, D. C. (2024). Macroinvertebrate, algal and diatom assemblages respond differently to both drying and wetting transitions in non-perennial streams. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–15.


Carey, N., Chester, E. T., & Robson, B. J. (2024). Dry season refuges, refugia and flow-regime change in Mediterranean climate streams. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–20.


Courtwright, Jennifer L., and Charles P. Hawkins. “Assessing Stream Biological Integrity across Gradients of Flow Permanence and Hydrologic Connectivity.” Freshwater Science, July 16, 2024, 000–000.


Gearon, J.H., Martin, H.K., DeLisle, C. et al. Rules of river avulsion change downstream. Nature (2024).


Hons, M., Maris, T. and Schoelynck, J. (2024), The Effects of Meander Reconnection and Deflector Installation on the Physicochemical Water Quality. River Res Applic.


Morales, J.J., Mateus, L., Peluso, L. et al. Increasing agricultural land use in riparian networks negatively affects stream fish communities in a tropical savanna. Hydrobiologia (2024).


Noone, W.N., Edwards, P.M., Pan, Y. and Thorne, C. (2024), Floodplain Restoration and Its Effects on Summer Water Temperature and Macroinvertebrates in Whychus Creek, Oregon (USA). River Res Applic.


Parmenter, Robert R., Anna R. Grendys, David W. Pittenger, and Gregory D. McCurdy. “Effects of an Annular Solar Eclipse on Montane Streamwater Quality in New Mexico, USA.” Freshwater Science, August 16, 2024, 000–000.


Rhoades, S.J., Caldwell, T.J., Stauffer-Olsen, N., McKinnon, T., McBain, S., Henery, R. and Chandra, S. (2024), Reduced Streamflow From Water Diversion Alters Stream Ecology and Fish Behavior. River Res Applic.


Ellen Wohl, Kirstie Fryirs, Robert C Grabowski, Ryan R Morrison, David Sear, Enhancing the natural absorbing capacity of rivers to restore their resilience, BioScience, 2024;, biae090,


Yanygina, L.V., Burmistrova, O.S., Kotovshchikov, A.V. et al. Why do phyto- and zooplankton exhibit different patterns of seasonal dynamics in the large Ob river-floodplain system (West Siberia)?. Hydrobiologia (2024).



Hoskin, Grace N., Joshua R. Thienpont, Pham Ha Phuong Do, Kristen A. Coleman, and Jennifer B. Korosi. “Influence of Barrier Beach Dynamics on Ecological Indicator Taxa in North-Central Lake Ontario Coastal Wetlands.” Journal of Great Lakes Research, September 21, 2024, 102437.


Liu, N., Wang, Q., Zhou, R., Zhang, R., Tian, D., Gaffney, P. P. J., Chen, W., Gan, D., Zhang, Z., Niu, S., Ma, L., & Wang, J. (2024). Elevating water table reduces net ecosystem carbon losses from global drained wetlands. Global Change Biology, 30, e17495.



Chen, L., Gómez, R., Horstmann, M., & Weiss, L. C. (2024). Temperature and light timing effects on diapause progression in Daphnia magna. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–11.


López-Allendes, C., Gálvez, Á., Armengol, X., Alvado, B., Castillo-Escrivà, A., Mesquita-Joanes, F., Gascón, S., Ramos-Jiliberto, R., & Olmo, C. (2024). Metacommunity structures of dormant and active zooplankton in two distant mediterranean regions. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–14.