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New Articles for September 26th - October 4th, 2024

Monday, October 7, 2024
Jacqueline Todd
Fahmida Akhter
Amaryllis Adey
Deandre Presswood


New Articles for September 26th - October 4th, 2024

AQUATIC SPECIFIC (63): Aquatic Ecology (3), Aquatic Sciences (3), Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (2), Freshwater Biology (14), Freshwater Science (1), Hydrobiologia (8), Inland Waters (2), Journal of Freshwater Ecology (1), Journal of Great Lakes Research (10), Limnology and Oceanography (10), Limnology and Oceanography Letters (5), River Research Applications (5)

BROAD-BASED (27): Bioscience (2), Ecology (4), Ecological Applications (4), Ecology Letters (7), Frontiers of Ecology and the Environment (0), Global Change Biology (4), Nature (1), Oecologia (0), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (1), Science (0), Trends in Ecology and Evolution (4)

OA = Open Access



Su, Y., Shi, L., Gan, Y., & Guan, B. (2024). Permafrost-dissolved organic carbon and cladoceran grazing regulate bacterial abundance and community structure. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 39(1). OA

Thuile Bistarelli, L., Fuß, T., Walther, F., Zoccarato, L., Talluto, L., Romaní, A.M., Grossart, H.-P. and Singer, G.A. (2024), Strong large-scale structure–function coupling in benthic bacteria is mediated by algae in a geodiverse river network. Limnol Oceanogr. OA

Giger, G.H., Ernst, C., Richter, I. et al. Inducing novel endosymbioses by implanting bacteria in fungi. Nature (2024). OA


Rahman, M., Chaplin, J., Lawrie, A. et al. Using desiccation-resistant eggs to explore the ecology of giant ostracods (subfamily Mytilocypridinae) in Australian salt lakes. Hydrobiologia (2024). OA

Teshome, G., Getahun, A., Mengistou, S., Mingist, M., Taddese, F., & Wilson, G. G. (2024). Variation in macroinvertebrate assemblages and water quality as a test for different levels of ecological impairment across an Ethiopian highland river system. Inland Waters, 1–12. 

Pawel Michalak, Echo of extinction: The Ivory-billed Woodpecker's tragic legacy and its impact on scientific integrity, BioScience, 2024;, biae072, 

LaManna, J., Hartig, F., Myers, J., Freckleton, R., Detto, M., Surendra, A., Doolittle, C., Bachelot, B., Bagchi, R., Comita, L., DeFilippis, D., Huanca-Nunez, N., Hülsmann, L., Jevon, F., Johnson, D., Krishnadas, M., Magee, L., Mangan, S., Milici, V., Murengera, A., Schnitzer, S., Smith, D. ., Stein, C., Sullivan, M., Torres, E., Umaña, M. and Delavaux, C. (2024), Consequences of Local Conspecific Density Effects for Plant Diversity and Community Dynamics. Ecology Letters, 27: e14506. OA

Tao, Z., Zhang, K., Callaway, R., Siemann, E., Liu, Y. and Huang, W. (2024), Native Plant Diversity Generates Microbial Legacies That Either Promote or Suppress Non-Natives, Depending on Drought History. Ecology Letters, 27: e14504. OA

Bello, C., Dent, D. H., Crowther, T. W. (2024) Animals in restoration to achieve climate biodiversity targets. TREE. OA

Hollie Booth, E.J. Milner-Gulland, Ashley Bang, Joseph Bull, Juan D. Moreno-Ternero, Dale Squires. Fair division for avoidance of biodiversity impacts. (2024). TREE. OA


Ho, P.-C., Nakajima, S., & Urabe, J. (2024). Species-specific effects of leaf litter leachate on the aquatic microbial community and the ratio of heterotrophic to autotrophic biomass. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–11. 

Zhao, S., Hermans, M., Niemistö, J. et al. Stratification controls the magnitude of in-lake phosphorus cycling: insights from a morphologically complex eutrophic lake. Hydrobiologia (2024). OA

Riekenberg, P.M., Eyre, B.D., van der Meer, M.T.J. and Oakes, J.M. (2024), Hot spots drive uptake and short-term processing of organic and inorganic carbon and nitrogen in intertidal sediments. Limnol Oceanogr. 

Gjelstrup, C.V.B., Myers, P.G., Lee, C.M., Azetsu-Scott, K. and Stedmon, C.A. (2024), Connectivity between Siberian river runoff and the lower limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Limnol Oceanogr. OA

Cecchetto, M.M., Smith, C.R., Nunnally, C.C. and Sweetman, A.K. (2024), High benthic community respiration and ecosystem response to phytodetrital input in a subpolar fjord on the West Antarctic Peninsula. Limnol Oceanogr. OA

Zhu, Y., Mulholland, M.R., Selden, C.R., McGillicuddy, D.J., Jr, Mottram, J., Chappell, P.D., Zhang, W.G., Granger, J., Crider, K.E., Meyer, M.G., Bernhardt, P.W., Oliver, H. and Clayton, S. (2024), Contrasting nitrogen dynamics across the Mid-Atlantic Bight shelfbreak front: Insights from nitrate dual isotopes and nitrifier gene abundance. Limnol Oceanogr. OA

Li, S., Wang, S., Pang, Y. and Ji, G. (2024), Isotopic signature of N2O produced during sulfur- and thiosulfate-driven chemoautotrophic denitrification in freshwaters. Limnol Oceanogr. OA

Ehrnsten, E., Humborg, C., Gustafsson, E. and Gustafsson, B.G. (2024), Disaster avoided: current state of the Baltic Sea without human intervention to reduce nutrient loads. Limnol. Oceanogr. Lett. OA

Anderson, Kenneth J., John S. Kominoski, Chang Jae Choi, and Ulrich Stingl. 2024. “ Functional Effects of Subsidies and Stressors on Benthic Microbial Communities along Freshwater to Marine Gradients.” Ecology e4427. OA

Climate Change

Séguigne, M., Leroy, C., Carrias, JF. et al. Influence of isolation on the resilience of tank bromeliad ecosystems to drought in a Neotropical rainforest. Hydrobiologia (2024). OA

Nathan Alexander, Amy Dickinson, Thomas J. Benson, Trenton W. Ford, Nohra Mateus-Pinilla, Jade Arneson, Mark A. Davis. (2024). Waterbird disease in the United States Laurentian Great Lakes under climate change. JGLR. OA

Wieckowski, A., Vestin, P., Ardö, J., Roupsard, O., Ndiaye, O., Diatta, O., Ba, S., Agbohessou, Y., Fensholt, R., Verbruggen, W., Gebremedhn, H. H., & Tagesson, T. (2024). Eddy covariance measurements reveal a decreased carbon sequestration strength 2010–2022 in an African semiarid savanna. Global Change Biology, 30, e17509. OA


Michael R. Brooker, Jessica D’Ambrosio, Margaret Kalcic, Kevin W. King, Greg LaBarge, Brian Roe, Nathan D. Stoltzfus, Sam Sage, Rachelle Crow, Robyn S. Wilson, Ryan J. Winston, Jay F. Martin. (2024) Quantifying phosphorus loads from legacy-phosphorus fields. JGLR. 


Naslund, L., Buhr, D., Chambers, M., McKay, S.K., Jumani, S., Bledsoe, B., Rosemond, A. and Wenger, S. (2024), Facilitating Dam Removal Decisions With Multiple Objectives. River Res Applic. OA


Makdissi, Rhys, Simon J. Verdon, James Q. Radford, Andrew F. Bennett, and Michael F. Clarke. 2024. “ The Impact of Plant-Derived Fire Management Prescriptions on Fire-Responsive Bird Species.” Ecological Applications e3036. OA


Dr. Lisa A. Kerr, Mr. Zachary Whitener, Ms. Sarah Becker, Mr. David Goethel, Dr. Douglas R Zemeckis, Dr. Graham D. Sherwood, Dr. Adrienne Kovach, and Dr. Steven X. Cadrin. Stock identification of sympatric Atlantic cod populations in the Gulf of Maine and mixed stock fishery analysis using otolith-based techniques. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Just-IN 

Barrow, J. S., Morrongiello, J. R., Koehn, J. D., Zampatti, B., Fanson, B., Thiem, J. D., Tonkin, Z., Koster, W. M., Butler, G. L., Strawbridge, A., Brooks, S. G., Woods, R., & Yen, J. D. L. (2024). Dispersal direction, geographic location and river discharge all influence juvenile growth of a freshwater fish. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–11. OA

Fitzgerald, K. A., Bellmore, J. R., Fellman, J. B., Cheng, M. L. H., Boyles-Muehleck, N., Delbecq, C. E., & Falke, J. A. (2024). Juvenile coho salmon growth differences track biennial pink salmon spawning patterns. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–13. 

Jansen, D., Vanhove, M.P.M., Makasa, L. et al. Mitogenomics, phylogenetic position, and updated distribution of Ergasilus kandti, an ergasilid copepod parasitizing African cichlid fishes. Hydrobiologia (2024). 

Mundahl, N., Schnaser, A. and Bergen, S. (2024), Spawning Redd Habitat Use and Selection by Invasive Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) Along a Longitudinal Gradient in a Headwater Stream. River Res Applic. 

Crichton, Ben R. J., Michael J. H. Hickford, Angus R. McIntosh, and David R. Schiel. 2024. “ Evaluating Intra- and Inter-Life Stage Density-Dependent Dynamics for Management of Perennial Amphidromous Fish.” Ecological Applications e3038. OA

Eduardo, L., Mincarone, M., Sutton, T. and Bertrand, A. (2024), Deep-Pelagic Fishes Are Anything But Similar: A Global Synthesis. Ecology Letters, 27: e14510. OA

Li, M. L., Thackray, C. P., Lam, V. W. Y., Sunderland, A. M. Global fishing patterns amplify human exposures to methylmercury. PNAS. 121(40). 

Sarah J.H. Beech, Connor W. Elliott, Mark S. Ridgway, Erin Brown, Bruce L. Tufts. (2024). Spatial comparison of two lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) spawning aggregations from the Bay of Quinte and eastern Lake Ontario. JGLR. 


Grams, P., Topping, D., Salter, G., Chapman, K., Tusso, R. and Mueller, E. (2024), Implementation of Controlled Floods for Sediment Management on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon Under Aridification. River Res Applic. OA

Food Webs

Janakiraman, A., Thangaraj, S., Gokula, V. et al. Report on high density population of a Cladoceran, Moina macrocopa and their gut microbes in anoxic sewage water: a potential bio-indicator of aquatic pollution. Aquat Ecol (2024). 

Dr. Cecilia Heuvel, Dr. Yingming Zhao, and Dr. Aaron T Fisk. Food web structure across basins in Lake Erie, a large freshwater ecosystem. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Just-IN 

Kurosawa, E., & Oakes, J. M. (2024). What is on the menu? Botanical carnivory in carnivorous plants of New England (USA). Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–13. OA

Britton, J. R., Andreou, D., Boardman, R., Garcia, F., Gimenez, M., Imbert, A., Parker, B., Warren, B., Yeldham, M., & Cucherousset, J. (2024). The angled-web: Recreational angling as an underappreciated disruptor to the interconnectedness of terrestrial and freshwater food webs. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–9. 

Serandour, B., Blenckner, T., Jan, K.M.G., Leroy, B., Ramiro-Sánchez, B., Campbell, E. and Winder, M. (2024), Spatial distribution projections of suitable environmental conditions for key Baltic Sea zooplankton species. Limnol Oceanogr. OA

Stanek, A.E., O'Donnell, J.A., Carey, M.P., Laske, S.M., Xu, X., Dunton, K.H. and von Biela, V.R. (2024), Arctic fishes reveal patterns in radiocarbon age across habitats and with recent climate change. Limnol. Oceanogr. Lett. OA

Fernandes, Timothy J., Reilly O'Connor, Kevin S. McCann, Brian J. Shuter, and Bailey C. McMeans. 2024. “ Ephemeral Piscivory in a Mesopredator Sunfish: Implications for Pond Food Webs.” Ecology e4431. OA

Jackson, M. C., O'Gorman, E. J., Gallo, B., Harpenslager, S. F., Randall, K., Harris, D. N., Prentice, H., Trimmer, M., Sanders, I., Dumbrell, A. J., Cameron, T. C., Layer-Dobra, K., Bespalaya, Y., Aksenova, O., Friberg, N., Moliner Cachazo, L., Brooks, S. J., & Woodward, G. (2024). Warming reduces trophic diversity in high-latitude food webs. Global Change Biology, 30, e17518. OA

Gas Dynamics

Paranaíba, J. R., & Kosten, S. (2024). Mitigating inland waters’ greenhouse gas emissions: current insights and prospects: Kilham Memorial Lecture on occasion of the 37th SIL Congress, Iguazu Falls, Brazil, 2024. Inland Waters, 1–14. OA


Sakamoto, T. (2024), Simple visualization of fish migration history based on high-resolution otolith δ18O profiles and hydrodynamic models. Limnol. Oceanogr. Lett. OA

Dumandan, Patricia Kaye T., Juniper L. Simonis, Glenda M. Yenni, S. K. Morgan Ernest, and Ethan P. White. 2024. “ Transferability of Ecological Forecasting Models to Novel Biotic Conditions in a Long-Term Experimental Study.” Ecology e4406. 

Invasive Species

Giacobbe, S., Andrea, C. & Antonietta, R. Primary colonization and small-scale dynamics of non-indigenous benthic species: a case study. Aquat Ecol (2024). 

Hartzell, S.M., Shank, M.K. Chemical variables predicting colonization risk of the invasive New Zealand mudsnail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) in Pennsylvania’s flowing waters. Hydrobiologia (2024). 

Pfadenhauer, William G., and Bethany A. Bradley. 2024. “ Quantifying Vulnerability to Plant Invasion across Global Ecosystems.” Ecological Applications e3031. 

Soto, I., Macêdo, R. L., Carneiro, L., Briski, E., Kouba, A., Cuthbert, R. N., & Haubrock, P. J. (2024). Divergent temporal responses of native macroinvertebrate communities to biological invasions. Global Change Biology, 30, e17521. OA

Novoa, A., Jaric, I., Pipek, P., & Pysek, P. Culturomics and iEcology provide novel opportunities to study human and social dimensions of alien species introductions. (2024). TREE. OA

Emily J. Fusco, Bryan G. Falk, Paul J. Heimowitz, Deah Lieurance, Elliott W. Parsons,Cait M. Rottler, Lindsey L. Thurman, Annette E. Evans. (2024). The emerging invasive species and climate-change lexicon. TREE. OA


Sadegh, N., Shokri, M.R. First observation of Acropora downingi spawning in Kish Island, northern Persian Gulf. Aquat Ecol (2024). 

Toskey, E.K., Bollens, S.M., Kiffney, P.M. et al. The relative importance of abiotic, biotic, and spatial factors in structuring the stream macroinvertebrate metacommunity in a temperate rainforest. Aquat Sci 86, 110 (2024). 

Dwyer, G. K., Downes, B. J., Lancaster, J., Rice, S. P., Slater, L., & Lester, R. E. (2024). Spatial arrangement or amount? Spatially variable oviposition habitat can determine aquatic insect egg abundance. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–14. OA

Jessee J. B. Steele, Audrey N. Thellman, Olivia K. Vought, Emma J. Rosi, Tammy Wooster, Christopher T. Solomon, and Emily S. Bernhardt. (2024) Bryospheres in oligotrophic headwater streams provide nutrient-dense habitats and dominate stream nutrient cycling. Freshwater Science, 43(3). 

Briceño-Vera, A.E., Ávila, E., Rodríguez-Santiago, M.A. et al. Environmental shifts and their impact on sponge-associated macroinvertebrate communities in seagrass ecosystems. Hydrobiologia (2024). OA

Oliver, J.-C., Porri, F., Emami-Khoyi, A. and Teske, P.R. (2024), Unexpected mismatches in population structure among marine mussel life-history stages reveal the true scales of planktonic larval dispersal. Limnol. Oceanogr. Lett. OA

dos Santos, D. ., Herschberger, J., Subedi, B., Pocius, V., Neely, W., Greenspan, S., Becker, C. ., Romero, G. and Kersch-Becker, M. (2024), Leaf Shelters Facilitate the Colonisation of Arthropods and Enhance Microbial Diversity on Plants. Ecology Letters, 27: e14499. OA


Hanson, J., Gordon, M., Peterson, N., Lepak, R., Goldsworthy, C., Brady, V., Hrabik, T., Hoffman, J. (2024), Stable isotope analysis of western lake superior predatory fishes, part one: Trophic niche overlap. JGLR. 

Marlene Dordoni, Johannes A.C. Barth, Leonard I. Wassenaar. (2024). Long-term dynamics of dissolved oxygen and isotopic composition in Lake Erie and Lake Ontario: Implications for eutrophication and ecosystem health. JGLR. OA

Lake Dynamics

Sysoev, V. V., Seleznev, D. G., Reshetnikov, F. Y., & Tikhonenkov, D. V. (2024). Assessment of the correlation between environmental variables and the spatial distribution and species structure of testate amoebae (Arcellinida and Euglyphida) in a stratified freshwater lake. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–16. 

Hazem U. Abdelhady, Cary D. Troy. (2024). A machine learning approach to nearshore wave modeling in large lakes using land-based wind observations. JGLR. 


Zhao, Y., Wang, R., Jeppesen, E., & Zhang, E. (2024). Submerged macrophytes can counterbalance the negative effects of rising temperature and eutrophication by inhibiting the photosynthetic activity of cyanobacteria and adjusting their morphology and physiology. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–15. 


Wang, H., Lan, J., He, N., Jiao, X., Ye, H., Sun, C., Wang, G. and Guo, W. (2024), River Hydrological Regime Changes and Their Attribution: A Case Study in the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River Using a Multi-Model Approach. River Res Applic. 

Nika Galic, Valery Forbes, Volker Grimm, Amelie Schmolke, Maxime Vaugeois, Richard Brain, Ecological risk assessment when species-specific data are scarce: how trait-based approaches and modeling can help, BioScience, 2024;, biae086, 

Polivka, Carlos M., Margaret A. Malone, Spencer A. Carran, and Greg Dwyer. 2024. “ Understanding How Restoration Reduces Competition for Habitat by Combining Theory, Observation, and Experiment.” Ecological Applications e3033.

Powell-Romero, F., Wells, K. and Clark, N. (2024), Asymmetric Biotic Interactions Cannot Be Inferred Without Accounting for Priority Effects. Ecology Letters, 27: e14509. OA

Soto, I., Macêdo, R. L., Carneiro, L., Briski, E., Kouba, A., Cuthbert, R. N., & Haubrock, P. J. (2024). Divergent temporal responses of native macroinvertebrate communities to biological invasions. Global Change Biology, 30, e17521. OA 

Hafsa Momin, Cody Ross, Wyatt Weatherson, Jennifer Drake, Claire Oswald. (2024). Influence of stormwater management ponds on chloride transport to urban headwater streams. JGLR. OA


Li, X., Leizeaga, A., Rousk, J., Zhou, S., Hugelius, G. and Manzoni, S. (2024), Recovery of Soil Microbial Metabolism After Rewetting Depends on Interacting Environmental Conditions and Changes in Functional Groups and Life History Strategies. Glob Change Biol, 30: e17522. OA


de Jesus, G. S., Machado, K. B., de Carvalho, P., Nabout, J. C., & Bortolini, J. C. (2024). Effect of abrupt post-fire ash inputs on water quality and the phytoplankton community in lentic freshwaters. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–14. 

Gelis, M.M.N., Sathicq, M.B., del Puerto, J.M.P. et al. Impact of extreme drought on diatom traits and species composition in temperate lowland streams. Hydrobiologia (2024). 


Liu, Q., Gao, X.-X., Li, Y., Jiang, Y., Yu, J., Liu, S.-S., Lang, X.-P. and Yang, G.-P. (2024), Microplastics stress alters microorganism community structure and reduces the production of biogenic dimethylated sulfur compounds. Limnol Oceanogr. 

Schutten, K., Morrill, A., Chandrashekar, A., Weseloh, D. V. C., Parmley, J. E., Stevens, B., Jardine, C., Provencher, J. F. (2024). Comparing three common nest survey methods, using double-crested cormorants as a proposed sentinel for monitoring plastic pollution in freshwater environments. JGLR. OA

Remote Sensing

Misheck Lesa Chundu, Kawawa Banda, Henry M. Sichingabula, Imasiku A. Nyambe. (2024). Integrated water quality assessment of open water bodies using empirical equations and remote sensing techniques in Bangweulu Wetland lakes, Zambia. JGLR 


Gourgue, O., Belliard, J.-P., Xu, Y., Kleinhans, M.G., Fagherazzi, S. and Temmerman, S. (2024), Dense vegetation hinders sediment transport toward saltmarsh interiors. Limnol. Oceanogr. Lett. OA

Matthew J. Hudson, Matthew J. Cooper, Amanda K. Suchy, Peter S. Levi, Bridget R. Thornburg, Paige J. Penningroth, Randy A. Lehr. (2024). Watershed inputs of suspended sediment drive patterns of total phosphorus in Chequamegon Bay, Lake Superior. JGLR. OA

Stream/River Dynamics

Baumann, K., Scholl, E., Rantala, H. and Whiles, M. (2024), Macroinvertebrate Community Responses to Disturbance in a Fragmented River With Contrasting Legacies of Alteration. River Res Applic. 

Gómez-Bahamón, Valentina, José D. Femayor-Pérez, Riquelme Durán, Santiago J. Monroy-García, Nairo Gutiérrez, David Ricardo Caro-R, Kevin J. Kardynal, David P. L. Toews, and Nicholas Bayly. 2024. “ Ephemeral River Islands Serve as Roosting and Foraging Habitat for Boreal and Austral Migratory Songbirds.” Ecology e4432. OA


Walter, Jonathan A., Jeff W. Atkins, and Catherine M. Hulshof. 2024. “ Climate and Topography Control Variation in the Tropical Dry Forest–Rainforest Ecotone.” Ecology e4442. OA


Takahashi, M. K., McGuire, B., & Horsley, L. (2024). Long-term injury records reveal the role of biting in male–male combat in the Japanese giant salamander. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–12. 

Wunderlich, A. C., Mosna, E. E. D., & Pinheiro, M. A. A. (2024). Temporal changes in streamflow can predict parasitism levels in freshwater prawns better than host traits. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–14. 

tocker, C., Bamford, S., Jahn, M., Mazué, G. ., Pettersen, A., Ritchie, D., Rubin, A., Noble, D. . and Seebacher, F. (2024), The Effect of Temperature Variability on Biological Responses of Ectothermic Animals—A Meta-Analysis. Ecology Letters, 27: e14511. OA


Phillips, K. A., Tung, A. M., McConnell, R. M., O’Rear, T. A., Rejmánková, E., Lawler, S. P., & Durand, J. R. (2024). Forbs from seasonal managed wetlands boost plankton production more than emergent graminoids by supplying novel labile detritus. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–16. OA

Zhao, Y., Wang, R., Jeppesen, E., & Zhang, E. (2024). Submerged macrophytes can counterbalance the negative effects of rising temperature and eutrophication by inhibiting the photosynthetic activity of cyanobacteria and adjusting their morphology and physiology. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–15. 

Paulino, J., Granadeiro, J.P., Matos, P. et al. Rice fields play a complementary role within the landscape mosaic supporting structurally and functionally distinct waterbird communities. Hydrobiologia (2024). OA

Xue, L., Shi, B., Schoutens, K., Li, T., Sun, J., Ma, Y., Hu, Y., Liu, Z., Wang, D., Xing, F., Li, X. and Temmerman, S. (2024), Response of a patchy intertidal mudflat-marsh transition zone to a typhoon. Limnol Oceanogr. OA

Hu, G., Bai, H., Zhao, Y., Chen, N., Li, H., Mao, H., Guo, Z., Sheng, X., Zhang, H., An, H., Zhang, P., Zhang, Z., Sun, Y. and Ma, M. (2024), Plant–Soil Moisture Positive Feedback Maintaining Alternative Stable States in the Alpine Marsh Ecosystem. Ecology Letters, 27: e14508. 


Baeza, M.J. and Walsh, E.J. (2024), Does pigmentation provide protection to bdelloid rotifers in a high ultraviolet B environment?. Limnol Oceanogr.