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Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Katherine O'Reilly
Allyn Dodd

New Articles June 4 - 10

Freshwater-specific journals (5): Hydrobiologia, Limnology and Oceanography, Limnology and Oceanography Letters, Marine and Freshwater Research, River Research and Applications

Broad-based journals (5):  Ecological Applications, Ecology, Ecology Letters, Nature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences



Baert, J. M., N. Eisenhauer, C. R. Janssen, and F. De Laender. Biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning respond unimodally to environmental stress. Ecology Letters.


Bengtsson, M. M., Attermeyer, K., & Catalán, N. Interactive effects on organic matter processing from soils to the ocean: are priming effects relevant in aquatic ecosystems? Hydrobiologia.

Li, L., Xue, B., Yao, S., Tao, Y., & Yan, R. Spatial–temporal patterns of methane dynamics in Lake Taihu. Hydrobiologia.

M., S. J., A., B. M., M., M. J., J., M. R., & C., R. D. Urea as a source of nitrogen to giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera). Limnology and Oceanography Letters.

Sahoo, G., & Khandeparker, L. Role of epibiotic diatoms isolated from the barnacle shell in the cyprid metamorphosis of Balanus amphitrite. Hydrobiologia.

Climate Change

Kossin, J. P. A global slowdown of tropical-cyclone translation speed. Nature.


Ribeiro, K. F., Duarte, L., & Crossetti, L. O. Everything is not everywhere: a tale on the biogeography of cyanobacteria. Hydrobiologia.

Śliwińska-Wilczewska, S., Felpeto, A. B., Maculewicz, J., Sobczyk, A., Vasconcelos, V., & Latała, A. Allelopathic activity of the picocyanobacteriumSynechococcus sp. on unicellular eukaryote planktonic microalgae. Marine and Freshwater Research


Schibalski, A., K. Körner, M. Maier, F. Jeltsch, and B. Schröder. Novel model coupling approach for resilience analysis of coastal plant communities. Ecological Applications.

Swift, J. A., P. Roberts, N. Boivin, and P. V Kirch. Restructuring of nutrient flows in island ecosystems following human colonization evidenced by isotopic analysis of commensal rats. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


Frank, K. T., B. Petrie, W. C. Leggett, and D. G. Boyce. Exploitation drives an ontogenetic-like deepening in marine fish. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Food Webs

Kaymak, N., Winemiller, K. O., Akin, S., Altuner, Z., Polat, F., & Dal, T. Spatial and temporal variation in food web structure of an impounded river in Anatolia. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Matsuzaki, S. S., K. Suzuki, T. Kadoya, M. Nakagawa, and N. Takamura. Bottomup linkages between primary production, zooplankton, and fish in a shallow, hypereutrophic lake. Ecology.

Monteiro, A. B., and L. D. B. Faria. Matching consumer feeding behaviours and resource traits: a fourthcorner problem in foodweb theory. Ecology Letters.


Fernando, N., R., M. R., Antonio, A., & E., G. T. Hydrologic scaling for hydrogeomorphic floodplain mapping: Insights into humaninduced floodplain disconnectivity. River Research and Applications.


Ayayee, P. A., Cosgrove, C. R., Beckwith, A., Roberto, A. A., & Leff, L. G. Gut bacterial assemblages of freshwater macroinvertebrate functional feeding groups. Hydrobiologia.

Murray, K. M., Stoker, D., Pringle, C. M., & Simon, T. N. Is spatial variation in population size structures of a stream-dwelling caddisfly due to the altered effects of a predator by a third-party species? Hydrobiologia.

Turunen, J., P. Louhi, H. Mykrä, J. Aroviita, E. Putkonen, A. Huusko, and M. Timo. Combined effects of local habitat, anthropogenic stress, and dispersal on stream ecosystems: a mesocosm experiment. Ecological Applications.


Finlayson, C. M. Wetland research and management in the Kakadu region of northern Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research.

J., M. A., & A., A. W. Multiple linear regression models to predict the formation efficiency of triplet excited states of dissolved organic matter in temperate wetlands. Limnology and Oceanography.

Veettil, B. K., Pereira, S. F. R., & Quang, N. X. Rapidly diminishing mangrove forests in Myanmar (Burma): a review. Hydrobiologia.