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New Articles for September 10-16

Monday, September 16, 2019
Lauren Wisbrock

Freshwater-Based Journals (5): Freshwater Biology (5), Hydrobiologia (1), Limnology and Oceanography (4), River Research and Applications (3), Marine and Freshwater Research (2).


Broad-Based Journals (3): Nature (1), Oecologia (1), Journal of Applied Ecology (1).




Haggerty C.J.E., Crisman T.L. & Rohr J.R. Direct and indirect effects of pine silviculture on the larval occupancy and breeding of declining amphibian species. Journal of Applied Ecology.


Montaña C.G., Silva S.D.G.T.M., Hagyari D., Wager J., Tiegs L., Sadeghian C., et al. Revisiting “what do tadpoles really eat?” A 10-year perspective. Freshwater Biology.



Connections to Land Use

Chen S.-A., Michaelides K., Grieve S.W.D. & Singer M.B. Aridity is expressed in river topography globally. Nature.


Keele V., Gilvear D., Large A., Tree A. & Boon P. A new method for assessing river ecosystem services and its application to rivers in Scotland with and without nature conservation designations. River Research and Applications.


Ecosystem Processes

Mantikci M., Staehr P.A., Hansen J.L.S. & Markager S. Patterns of dark respiration in aquatic systems. Marine and Freshwater Research.


Senar O.E., Creed I.F., Strandberg U. & Arts M.T. Browning reduces the availability—but not the transfer—of essential fatty acids in temperate lakes. Freshwater Biology.


Zhu L., Zhao Y., Bai S., Zhou H., Chen X. & Wei Z. New insights into the variation of dissolved organic matter components in different latitudinal lakes of northeast China. Limnology and Oceanography.




Al-Chokhachy R., Kovach R.P., Sepulveda A., Strait J., Shepard B.B. & Muhlfeld C.C. Compensatory growth offsets poor condition in native trout populations. Freshwater Biology.


David B.O., Lake M., Pine M.K., Smith J. & Boubée J.A.T. Use of a novel acoustic ‘listening’ method for detecting pump impellor strike on downstream migrating eels. Marine and Freshwater Research.


Lamothe K.A., Alofs K.M. & Chu C. Evaluating functional diversity conservation for freshwater fishes resulting from terrestrial protected areas. Freshwater Biology.




Rose T., Erskine W. & Miners B. A customised approach to determining the geomorphic effectiveness of small flood events in a regulated river. River Research and Applications.


Thapa R., Thoms M.C., Reid M. & Parsons M. Do adaptive cycles of floodplain vegetation response to inundation differ among vegetation communities? River Research and Applications.




Leicht K. & Seppälä O. Direct and transgenerational effects of an experimental heatwave on early life stages in a freshwater snail. Freshwater Biology.


Schultz B. & Koprivnikar J. Free-living parasite infectious stages promote zooplankton abundance under the risk of predation. Oecologia.




Flinders C.A., Ragsdale R.L., Ikoma J., Arthurs W.J. & Kidd J. Spatial and temporal patterns of diatom assemblages, and their drivers, in four US streams: evidence from a long-term dataset. Hydrobiologia.


Huang R., Zeng J., Zhao D., Cook K. V, Hambright K.D. & Yu Z. Sediment microbiomes associated with the rhizosphere of emergent macrophytes in a shallow, subtropical lake. Limnology and Oceanography.


Mendes Monteiro J., Vogwill R., Bischoff K. & Gleeson D.B. Comparative metagenomics of microbial mats from hypersaline lakes at Rottnest Island (WA, Australia), advancing our understanding of the effect of mat community and functional genes on microbialite accretion. Limnology and Oceanography.


Theroux S., Huang Y., Toney J.L., Andersen R., Nyren P., Bohn R., et al. Successional blooms of alkenone-producing haptophytes in Lake George, North Dakota: Implications for continental paleoclimate reconstructions. Limnology and Oceanography.