Freshwater-Based Journals (5): Freshwater Biology (1), Hydrobiologia (11), Limnology and Oceanography (2), River Research and Applications (6), Limnology and Oceanography Letters (3).
Broad-Based Journals (3): Nature (2), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (1), Oikos (1).
Fatsi P.S.K., Hashem S., Kodama A., Appiah E.K., Saito H. & Kawai K. Population genetics and taxonomic signatures of wild Tilapia in Japan based on mitochondrial DNA control region analysis. Hydrobiologia.
Havn T.B., Thorstad E.B., Borcherding J., Heermann L., Teichert M.A.K., Ingendahl D., et al. Impacts of a weir and power station on downstream migrating Atlantic salmon smolts in a German river. River Research and Applications.
Kalogianni E., Vardakas L., Vourka A., Koutsikos N., Theodoropoulos C., Galia T., et al. Wood availability and habitat heterogeneity drive spatiotemporal habitat use by riverine cyprinids under flow intermittence. River Research and Applications.
Oyague E., Vera A., Cabrejos L. & Franco P. Differences in physical habitat simulation system modelling results using benthic or pelagic fish species as indicators in Peruvian Andes–Amazon rivers. River Research and Applications.
Žák J., Prchalová M., Šmejkal M., Blabolil P., Vašek M., Matěna J., et al. Sexual segregation in European cyprinids: consequence of response to predation risk influenced by sexual size dimorphism. Hydrobiologia.
Forests and the Water Cycle
Kirchner J.W., Berghuijs W.R., Allen S.T., Hrachowitz M., Hut R. & Rizzo D.M. Streamflow response to forest management. Nature.
Teuling A.J. & Hoek van Dijke A.J. Forest age and water yield. Nature.
Gansfort B., Fontaneto D. & Zhai M. Meiofauna as a model to test paradigms of ecological metacommunity theory. Hydrobiologia.
Stepanian P.M., Entrekin S.A., Wainwright C.E., Mirkovic D., Tank J.L. & Kelly J.F. Declines in an abundant aquatic insect, the burrowing mayfly, across major North American waterways. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Microbial Communities
Martínez A., Gonçalves A.L. & Canhoto C. Salinization effects on stream biofilm functioning. Hydrobiologia.
Vega E.N., Bastidas Navarro M. & Modenutti B. Goose and hare faeces as a source of nutrients and dissolved organic matter for bacterial communities in the newly formed proglacial lake Ventisquero Negro (Patagonia, Argentina). Hydrobiologia.
de Paula R.S., Reis M. de P., de Oliveira Júnior R.B., Andrade G.R., de Carvalho M.D., Cardoso A.V., et al. Genetic and functional repertoires of Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) (Mollusca, Mytilidae): a review on the use of molecular techniques for the detection and control of the golden mussel. Hydrobiologia.
Klunzinger M.W., Lopes-Lima M., Gomes-dos-Santos A., Froufe E., Lymbery A.J. & Kirkendale L. Phylogeographic study of the West Australian freshwater mussel, Westralunio carteri, uncovers evolutionarily significant units that raise new conservation concerns. Hydrobiologia.
Ferguson A.J.P., Oakes J. & Eyre B.D. Bottom trawling reduces benthic denitrification and has the potential to influence the global nitrogen cycle. Limnology and Oceanography Letters.
Vachon D., Sadro S., Bogard M.J., Lapierre J.-F., Baulch H.M., Rusak J.A., et al. Paired O2–CO2 measurements provide emergent insights into aquatic ecosystem function. Limnology and Oceanography Letters.
Doubek J.P., Goldfarb S.K. & Stockwell J.D. Should we be sampling zooplankton at night? Limnology and Oceanography Letters.
Frank F., Danger M., Hillebrand H. & Striebel M. Stoichiometric constraints on phytoplankton resource use efficiency in monocultures and mixtures. Limnology and Oceanography.
Vincent F., Bertolo A., Lacroix G., Mouchet M. & Edeline E. Trait-dependency of trophic interactions in zooplankton food webs. Oikos.
Zetsche E.-M., Larsson A.I., Iversen M.H. & Ploug H. Flow and diffusion around and within diatom aggregates: Effects of aggregate composition and shape. Limnology and Oceanography.
Cano-Rocabayera O., Vargas-Amengual S., Aranda C., de Sostoa A. & Maceda-Veiga A. Mosquito larvae consumption in turbid waters: the role of the type of turbidity and the larval stage in native and invasive fish. Hydrobiologia.
Ptatscheck C., Brüchner-Hüttemann H., Kreuzinger-Janik B., Weber S. & Traunspurger W. Are meiofauna a standard meal for macroinvertebrates and juvenile fish? Hydrobiologia.
Zhai M., Syrovátka V., Bojková J., Šorfová V., Polášková V., Schenková J., et al. Does predator abundance influence species diversity of equilibrium macroinvertebrate assemblages in spring fens? Freshwater Biology.
Remote Sensing
Free G., Bresciani M., Trodd W., Tierney D., O’Boyle S., Plant C., et al. Estimation of lake ecological quality from Sentinel-2 remote sensing imagery. Hydrobiologia.
River Temperature
Dugdale S.J., Hannah D.M. & Malcolm I.A. An evaluation of different forest cover geospatial data for riparian shading and river temperature modelling. River Research and Applications.
Wilbur N.M., O’Sullivan A.M., MacQuarrie K.T.B., Linnansaari T. & Curry R.A. Characterizing physical habitat preferences and thermal refuge occupancy of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) at high river temperatures. River Research and Applications.
Brotherton S., Joyce C.B. & Scharlemann J.P.W. Global offtake of wild animals from wetlands: critical issues for fish and birds. Hydrobiologia.