New Articles for November 29th - December 5th, 2021
AQUATIC SPECIFIC (32): Aquatic Sciences (1), Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (4), Freshwater Biology (9), Freshwater Science (1), Hydrobiologia (6), Inland Waters (2), Journal of Great Lakes Research (1), Limnology and Oceanography (2), River Research Applications (6)
BROAD-BASED (2): Ecology Letters (1), Global Change Biology (1)
OA = Open Access
Le H.T., Pommier T., Ribolzi O., Soulileuth B., Huon S., Silvera N., et al. (2021). Overland flow during a storm event strongly affects stream water chemistry and bacterial community structure. Aquatic Sciences 84, 7.
Cunillera-Montcusí D., Boix D., Tornero I., Quintana X.D., Sala J. & Gascón S. (2021). Recovery of temporary pond alpha and beta diversity after wildfire disturbance: the role of dispersal and recolonization processes. Inland Waters, 1–16.
Maasri A., Jähnig S.C., Adamescu M.C., Adrian R., Baigun C., Baird D.J., et al. (2021). A global agenda for advancing freshwater biodiversity research. Ecology Letters. (OA)
Calderó-Pascual M., Yıldız D., Yalçın G., Metin M., Yetim S., Fiorentin C., et al. (2021). The importance of allochthonous organic matter quality when investigating pulse disturbance events in freshwater lakes: a mesocosm experiment. Hydrobiologia. (OA)
Kao N., Mohamed M., Sorichetti R.J., Niederkorn A., Van Cappellen P. & Parsons C.T. (2021). Phosphorus retention and transformation in a dammed reservoir of the Thames River, Ontario: Impacts on phosphorus load and speciation. Journal of Great Lakes Research. (OA)
Mostovaya A., Wind-Hansen M., Rousteau P., Bristow L.A. & Thamdrup B. (2021). Sulfate- and iron-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation occurring side-by-side in freshwater lake sediment. Limnology and Oceanography.
Sepp M., Kõiv T., Nõges P., Nõges T., Newell S.E. & McCarthy M.J. (2021). Catchment soil characteristics predict organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus levels in temperate lakes. Freshwater Science.
Ma X., Deng Z., Blair D., Bi Y., Hu W. & Yin M. (2021). Cyanobacterial bloom associated with a complete turnover of a Daphnia population in a warm-temperate eutrophic lake in Eastern China. Freshwater Biology.
de Necker L., Gerber R., van Vuren J., Wepener V., Smit N.J. & Brendonck L. (2021). Temporal dynamics of a subtropical floodplain pool after 2 years of supra-seasonal drought: a mesocosm study. Hydrobiologia.
Abookire A.A., Litzow M.A., Malick M.J. & Laurel B.J. (2021). Post-settlement abundance, condition, and survival in a climate-stressed population of Pacific cod. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Beatty S.J., Lear K.O., Allen M.G., Lymbery A.J., Tweedley J.R. & Morgan D.L. (2021). What factors influence fin-nipping damage by the invasive Gambusia holbrooki (Poeciliidae) on native fishes in riverine systems? Freshwater Biology.
Bonato K.O., Silva P.C., Carvalho F.R. & Malabarba L.R. (2021). Trophic interactions of vampire catfishes (Siluriformes: Vandelliinae) revealed by metabarcoding analysis of stomach contents. Freshwater Biology.
FitzGerald A.M., Boughton D., Fuller J., John S.N., Martin B.T., Harrison L.R., et al. (2021). Physical and biological constraints on the capacity for life-history expression of anadromous salmonids: an Eel River, California, case study. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Haxton T. (2021). Cumulative downstream turbine-induced mortality and thresholds for facilitating upstream passage of American eel. River Research and Applications.
Jensen A.J., Cox B. & Peterson J.T. (2021). Evaluating Tag-Reliant Harvest Estimators in Chinook Salmon Mixed-Stock Fisheries Using Simulations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Li Z., Harley J. & Chanson H. (2021). Physical modelling of pipe culverts to assist upstream fish passage. River Research and Applications.
Peterson J.T., Pease J.E., Whitman L., White J., Stratton-Garvin L., Rounds S., et al. (2021). Integrated tools for identifying optimal flow regimes and evaluating alternative minimum flows for recovering at-risk salmonids in a highly managed system. River Research and Applications.
Quinn T.P. & Losee J.P. (2021). Diverse and changing use of the Salish Sea by Pacific salmon, trout, and char. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Food Webs
Brauns M., Kneis D., Brabender M. & Weitere M. (2021). Habitat availability determines food chain length and interaction strength in food webs of a large lowland river. River Research and Applications. (OA)
Harrow-Lyle T.J. & Kirkwood A.E. (2021). Pervasive changes to the lower aquatic food web following Nitellopsis obtusa establishment in a large, shallow lake. Freshwater Biology.
Invasive Species
Wiegleb J., Hirsch P.E., Seidel F., Rauter G. & Burkhardt-Holm P. (2021). Flow, force, behaviour: assessment of a prototype hydraulic barrier for invasive fish. Hydrobiologia. (OA)
Astorga Roine A., Reid B., Uribe L., Moreno-Meynard P., Fierro P., Madriz I., et al. (2021). Macroinvertebrate community composition and richness along extreme gradients: The role of local, catchment, and climatic variables in Patagonian headwater streams. Freshwater Biology.
Falke L.P. & Preston D.L. (2021). Freshwater disease hotspots: Drivers of fine-scale spatial heterogeneity in trematode parasitism in streams. Freshwater Biology.
Hajisafarali M., Aaltonen S., Pulkkinen K. & Taskinen J. (2021). Does the freshwater mussel Anodonta anatina remove the fish pathogen Flavobacterium columnare from water? Hydrobiologia. (OA)
Schröder O., Schneider J. V, Schell T., Seifert L. & Pauls S.U. (2021). Population genetic structure and connectivity in three montane freshwater invertebrate species (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Amphipoda) with differing life cycles and dispersal capabilities. Freshwater Biology. (OA)
Johnsen T.J., Henriksen L.D.R., Larsen M.B., Kallestrup H., Larsen S.E., Riis T., et al. (2021). Rare Potamogeton species can establish in restored Danish lowland stream reaches. Freshwater Biology.
Alfredsen K., Helland I.P., Martins E.G. & Power M. (2021). Perspectives on the environmental implications of sustainable hydro-power: comparing countries, problems and approaches. Hydrobiologia.
Meerhoff M. & de los Ángeles González-Sagrario M. (2021). Habitat complexity in shallow lakes and ponds: importance, threats, and potential for restoration. Hydrobiologia.
Nava V., Matias M.G., Castillo-Escrivà A., Messyasz B. & Leoni B. (2021). Microalgae colonization of different microplastic polymers in experimental mesocosms across an environmental gradient. Global Change Biology. (OA)
Stream/River Dynamics
Chardon V., Piasny G. & Schmitt L. (2021). Comparison of software accuracy to estimate the bed grain size distribution from digital images: A test performed along the Rhine River. River Research and Applications.
Roy D. & Pagliara S. (2021). Equilibrium morphology and scour evolution at blunt nosed chevrons. River Research and Applications.
Galán C.R., Herranz Sánchez A.B., Bellón Ruiz J.P., Gutiérrez-Rodríguez M., Lechuga Chica M.A., Moreno Padilla M.I., et al. (2021). Interdisciplinary methodology for the characterisation of a temporary paleo-wetland in loma de Úbeda (Jaén, Spain). Inland Waters, 1–13.
Nogueira J., Evangelista H., Bouchaou L., Moreira L., Sifeddine A., ElMouden A., et al. (2021). Coastal wetland responses to a century of climate change in northern Sahara, Morocco. Limnology and Oceanography. (OA)
Pothoven S.A. & Vanderploeg H.A. (2021). Variable changes in zooplankton phenology associated with the disappearance of the spring phytoplankton bloom in Lake Michigan. Freshwater Biology.