SFS has updated the SFS Meeting Code of Conduct for the 2018 annual meeting in Detroit, MI.
Judges are still needed for this year's student presentations and posters.
The Freshwater Ecology and Conservation Lab at UW is seeking participants in a survey. See details below.
Dear Society for Freshwater Science Member,
Freshwater-specific journals (5): Freshwater Science, Hydrobiologia, Limnology and Oceanography, Limnology and Oceanography Letters, Marine and Freshwater Research
Broad-based journals (4): Nature, Oecologia, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Trends in Ecology and Evolution
The Society for Freshwater Science is pleased to announce that the Early Career (EC) committee is accepting applications for 3 travel awards ($1000 each) for EC members to attend the 2018 meeting in Detroit.
New Articles April 2-8
Freshwater-specific journals (4): Freshwater Biology, Freshwater Science, Hydrobiologia, Limnology and Oceanography Letters
Revisions to SFS by-laws has been completed and are now available for members to review in advance ofa vote at the annual meeting in Detroit, MI.
Freshwater-specific journals (6): Aquatic Sciences, Freshwater Science, Hydrobiologia, Limnology and Oceanography, Limnology and Oceanography Letters, Marine and Freshwater Research
Broad-based journals (4): Journal of Applied Ecology, Oecologia, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Trends in Ecology & Evolution
New Articles March 19-25
Freshwater-specific journals (3): Hydrobiologia, Limnology and Oceanography Letters, Marine and Freshwater Research
Broad-based journals (2): Nature, Oecologia
The SFS Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) has announced a 2018/2019 Request for Proposals for projects that address Objectives and Goals of the SFS Five-Year Strategic Plan.