The Pacific Northwest Chapter of SFS would like to thank outgoing Chapter Chair Dorene McCoy and outgoing Secretary-Treasurer Francine Meija. Dorene and Francine oversaw many transitions within the Chapter and organized several Chapter meetings.
New Articles May 28th-June 3rd
Freshwater-specific journals (5): Aquatic Sciences, Hydrobiologia, Limnology and Oceanography, Marine and Freshwater Research, River Research and Applications
New Articles May 14th-May 27th
We're back after a week off for the Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting in Detroit! Enjoy two weeks' worth of the latest articles in freshwater research!
REMINDER: Annual SFS Taxonomy Fair - Wednesday, May 23, 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm (Exhibit Hall during Poster Session)
New Articles May 6-13
Freshwater-specific journals (2): Hydrobiologia, Marine and Freshwater Research
Freshwater-specific journals (1): Hydrobiologia
Broad-based journals (4): Ecological Applications, Journal of Applied Ecology, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Oecologia
Making Waves Ep. 30: Neotropical Amphibian Conservation. Jonathan Kolby, Nikki Roach, and Matt Whiles.
In this month's episode, we hear from three scientists working on diverse aspects of amphibian conservation in the Neotropics. Dr. Jonathan Kolby discusses efforts to boost populations of threatened frogs in Honduras, Nikki Roach talks about the threats and conservation strategies she's working on in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia, and Dr. Matt Whiles discusses the impacts that these amphibian declines have had on stream ecosystems in Panama.