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Career Award & Fellows nominations now open

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Career Award and SFS Fellow nominations are open!  This is your chance to shine a spotlight on a colleague’s lasting contributions to freshwater science and our society.  

Nominations close November 15.

Nominations are being accepted for four awards:  

Award of Excellence: awarded to a single recipient (Society member or non-member) for outstanding contributions to benthic science. The scope of the award encompasses the broad interests and expertise exhibited in the Society. 

Distinguished Service: awarded to a Society member who has made a genuine and lasting contribution to the betterment of the Society.

Environmental Stewardship: awarded to a Society member or non-member who has worked successfully to translate scientific knowledge into the social/public arena. 

Hynes Award for New Investigators:  awarded to benthic scientist who was senior author of an outstanding primary publication in benthic science that appeared in print in the last 3 years. The recipient must have received a terminal post-graduate degree within the last five years, and cannot currently be enrolled in a degree program.

Find the online nomination form at All awards require a nomination letter, one or two letters of support, and the CV or resume of the nominee. The Hynes award additionally requires the paper for which the candidate is being nominated.

Nominations of Fellows are made based on sustained excellence in contributions to freshwater science research, policy, or management. Nominations can be made here: