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Making Waves Ep. 28

Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Julie Kelso

This month's podcast is an interview with Dr. Juliana D'Andrilli recorded at the American Geophysical Union Fall meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.  We discussed how scientists from across disciplines perceive and describe dissolved organic matter and how we can collaborate to characterize dissolved organic matter at the global scale.

Dr. Juliana D'Andrilli is an Assistant Research Professor in the Department of Land Resources & Environmental Sciences at Montana State University. She is interested in the evolution of dissolved organic matter in ancient and modern aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems by investigating its quality, quantity, and other environmental contributing biological and geochemical factors to better understand biogeochemical processing and its impact in a changing climate. Dissolved organic matter research requires a combination of bulk and molecular level chemical, biological, and ecological techniques. Since dissolved organic matter is woven in a web of related environmental factors, it is imperative to collaborate with interdisciplinary scientists to gain a better understanding of its present contribution to the global carbon cycle and the implications for the future.

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Running Time: 21 minutes
Host: Julie Kelso
Published: 6 February 2018

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The views expressed in the podcast are those of the interviewee and do not necessarily reflect the consensus opinion of the general SFS membership.