Wednesday, January 23, 2019
The SFS Elections and Place Committee (E&PC) is soliciting members to run for a suite of elected offices.
The positions and their descriptions are as follows:
- President- 3 yr term (President-Elect, President, Past-President); non-renewable
- Secretary - 3 yr term; renewable
- Non-Academic Representative to the Board of Directors (BoD)- 3 yr term; non-renewable
- International (Non-US) Delegate to the BoD - 3 yr term; non-renewable
With respect to the Secretary position, we are grateful that Sally Entrekin has expressed a willingness to run for a second term.
Any members of the society interested in these positions, or wishing to nominate a prospective candidate, should contact past-President Colden Baxter( ; Chair, E&PC) as soon as possible.