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Making Waves Ep. 37

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Monday, December 31, 2018
Eric Moody
Susan Washko

In this month's episode, we hear from Krissy Wilson, the president of the Desert Fishes Council, and several attendees of the 2018 annual meeting about their thoughts on why desert fishes are important and where desert fish conservation is headed after the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Desert Fishes Council. Eric Moody and Susan Washko don matching jackets to find out more.

Krissy Wilson is the current President of the Desert Fishes Council and the Native Aquatic Species Program Coordinator for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.

Melody Feden is a graduate student at Murray State University studying the effects of beaver activity on desert streams.

Christi Kruse is a graduate student at Oregon State University studying hydroperiod dynamics in ponds and wetlands.

Dr. Dave Lytle is a Professor at Oregon State University whose lab studies the evolutionary ecology of organisms in aridland aquatic habitats.

Hannah Moore is a graduate student at Murray State University studying the effect of cattle grazing on desert ecosystems.

Desert fish-related publications

Running Time: 14 minutes
Hosts: Eric Moody and Susan Washko
Published: 31 December 2018

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Read a full transcript of the podcast here.

The views expressed in the podcast are those of the interviewee and do not necessarily reflect the consensus opinion of the general SFS membership.