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Early Career Award Application


To be eligible for the Early Career Award, you must be within five years of completing your terminal degree (e.g. bachelor's, master's, or doctorate). The deadline to apply for 2025 Early Career Awards is January 26, 2025.

The application for the Early Career Award consists of two parts.

  • Part 1 consists of basic applicant information.
  • Part 2 requires a written component responding to two questions:
    • Describe your career or experience in freshwater science* (300 word max.) *If your current position is outside of science or you are in a transition period, focus your response on how attending the annual meeting will allow you to leverage a career in freshwater science.
    • How will attending the annual meeting help to advance your career goals in freshwater science? (300 word max.)

You will receive an email confirmation of your submission. If you do not receive an email, check your spam folder.

If you experience any technical difficulties in submitting your application, please contact the web editor (

For all other questions, please contact the committee chair: Amanda Rugenski, 

Application Part 1

Mailing Address:

Can you confirm that you qualify as an Early Career applicant (≤5 years from completion of terminal degree)?
Have you attended an SFS meeting before?
Can you confirm that you are a current member of SFS?

Application Part 2

In a PDF or MS Word document, please respond to the below questions. Each response should be ≤300 words in length.

  • Describe your career or experience in freshwater science. (300 word max) *If your current position is outside of science or you are in a transition period, focus your response on how attending the annual meeting will allow you to leverage a career in freshwater science.
  • How will attending the SFS annual meeting help to advance your career goals in freshwater science? (300 word max)

Upload Part 2 of Application

If you encounter problems with uploading the file, click here to email the file directly to the SFS Web Editor.

Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc docx.

Contact Information

If you experience any technical difficulties in submitting your application, please contact the web editor (

For all other questions, please contact the committee chair: Amanda Rugenski,