Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is responsible for providing guidance for SFS financial matters. Specifically, the Finance Committee assures that internal controls are in place, that an independent annual report is completed by a CPA, and that financial analyses and projections necessary for continued financial operations of SFS are provided to the Board of Directors in a timely manner.
The Finance Committee reviews all financial statements and reports on financial activity to the Board of Directors in a clear and concise manner so that both new and returning board members can fully understand the financial status of SFS.
The Finance Committee consists of 7 members: the President, President-elect, Treasurer, and Business Manager of the JFS as ex-officio members, and three members appointed by a President. The 3 appointed members serve for 3-year terms, and one of them is appointed chair of the Finance Committee. The Chair serves as a member of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, and of the Board of Trustees of the SFS Endowment Fund for Scientific Research and Education.
Financial Information
Annual Financial Statements (temporarily unavailable)