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Making Waves

Making Waves is a podcast produced by the Society for Freshwater Science that aims to bring current research in freshwater to a broader audience through engaging interviews with scientists. The podcast features short interviews with researchers in the field of freshwater science. Topics include biodiversity, ecology, technology, and more.

Making Waves Ep. 55

Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Eric Moody
Susan Washko

Summary: What is a watershed, and how complicated is it? Students from the Footprints on the James field course learned a lot about the components of a watershed by paddling multiple sections of the James River this summer. Tune in to learn about how field experiences across multiple points of the river system helped them better understand watersheds.


Making Waves Ep. 54

Sunday, June 19, 2022
Eric Moody
Susan Washko

Summary: What are freshwater mussels, and why do we care so much about them? Listen in to learn about these amazing creatures and the role they play in water quality.


Dr. Michéle Melchior, freshwater ecologist and mussel specialist at the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research in New Zealand. Twitter: mmelchior_nz Website:

George Kraynick, Water Quality and Laboratory Services Manager at Minneapolis Water Works

Making Waves Ep. 53

Sunday, September 19, 2021
Eric Moody
Susan Washko

Summary: Listen to Jabari Jones, a PhD student at University of Minnesota, and Lauren Diaz, a PhD student at Oregon State University, tell us how to keep people of all identities safe in the field.


Jabari Jones, PhD student at University of Minnesota

Lauren Diaz, PhD student at Oregon State University

Making Waves Ep. 52

Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Eric Moody

Summary: How do we understand how aquatic ecosystems respond to environmental change? In rare cases we can manipulate whole lakes or streams, but a more tractable approach uses microcosms to study fundamental community and ecosystem processes at a manageable scale. Listen to learn more about how microcosms can be used in aquatic ecology and one particular example from the ecosystems inside the leaves of the purple pitcher plant.


Casey terHorst, Associate Professor at California State University Northridge

Making Waves Ep. 51

Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Aline Ortega Pieck

Español: En el episodio de este mes les presentamos a la Dra. Valeria Souza, investigadora mexicana que ha pasado los últimos 20 años estudiando a Cuatro Ciénegas, un oasis en el desierto que alberga a las primeras comunidades bacterianas de la Tierra. Este humedal único que sobrevivió extinciones masivas y glaciaciones, actualmente está muy amenazado por el la extracción insostenible de agua. Escúchanos para aprender más acerca de la experiencia de Valeria en su lucha por salvar este invaluable recurso.

English: This month's episode features Dr. Valeria Souza, a Mexican researcher who has spent the last 20 years studying Cuatro Ciénegas, an oasis in the desert that is home to the first bacterial communities on Earth. This unique wetland that survived mass extinctions and glaciations, is now highly threatened due to unsustainable water extraction. Tune in to learn about Valeria's experience fighting to save this invaluable resource.

Making Waves Ep. 50

Friday, April 2, 2021
Susan Washko

Summary: Are river scientists recruited from river guiding? Listen in to hear about barriers faced by underrepresented groups in guiding and how guiding connects to public education and becoming a scientist.

            Cover photo credit: Alexa


Maddie Friend, fluvial geomorphologist and former river guide

Alexa Young-Yee Spielhagen, cultural anthropologist and river guide

Making Waves Ep. 49

Friday, March 5, 2021
Susan Washko

Summary: River guides aren’t just aquatic athletes and tourism specialists. They’re contributors to scientific knowledge, important figures to both western science and traditional Indigenous knowledge. Listen in to learn about the connections between river guides, science, and conservation.


Anya Metcalfe, ecologist with the USGS Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center

Learn more about citizen science in Grand Canyon:

Nikki Cooley, co-manager of the Tribes & Climate Change Program through the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals at Northern Arizona University

About Nikki Cooley:

ITEP Tribes & Climate Program:



Making Waves Ep. 48

Monday, December 7, 2020
Aline Ortega Pieck

Español: En este episodio tendremos la oportunidad de escuchar parte de las transformaciones que la Sociedad busca, donde la inclusión y diversidad también dan espacio para comunicarnos en español. El episodio 48 de Making Waves se presenta en español, así como en inglés. Este es un proyecto que nace desde las iniciativas en español, uno de los proyectos de la Fuerza de Tareas JEDI. Esperamos lo disfruten y si no eres bilingüe, aprovecha y date la oportunidad de escuchar una interesante entrevista a nuestro Presidente Alonso Ramírez, en su lengua materna.

English: In this episode we will have the opportunity to hear about the transformations that the Society seeks, where inclusion and diversity means also making space to communicate in Spanish. Making Waves Episode 48 is presented in Spanish as well as English. This is a project born from initiatives in Spanish, one of the JEDI Task Force projects. We hope you enjoy it and if you are not bilingual, take the opportunity to listen to an interesting interview with our President Alonso Ramírez, in his mother tongue.

Making Waves Ep. 47

Friday, October 9, 2020
Susan Washko

Art and science are more connected than we think. Listen in to hear from two scientists / artists about science, art, and what sci-art collaborations can do.


Ellie Irons, interdisciplinary artist and educator

Twitter: @eirons

Instagram: @elslaurel, @environmentalperformanceagency


Jeremy Monroe, Director at Freshwaters Illustrated (

Facebook:  @wemayfly

Instagram: @freshwatersillustrated

Twitter: @bluemayfly

Check out some of Jeremy’s films: | | |



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