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New Articles for April 19-25, 2021

AQUATIC SPECIFIC (31): Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (4), Freshwater Biology (2), Freshwater Science (1), Journal of Great Lakes Research (9), Hydrobiologia (3), Journal of Freshwater Ecology (3), Limnology and Oceanography (4), River Research Applications (2), Water Resources Research (3)

BROAD-BASED (4): Bioscience (1), Ecological Applications (2), Oecologia (1)

OA = Open Access

In Memorium: David Ernest Ruiter

Dave Ruiter passed away Thursday, February 4, 2021 at his home in Grants Pass, Oregon following an extended illness. He was born February 2, 1948 in Muskegon, Michigan to Ernest and Rhea Ruiter.

SFS By-Laws - Revisions

At the 2021 SFS Virtual Annual Meeting, members will vote on changes to the Society's By-Laws. The proposed by-laws and the changes are posted below for review. 

New Articles for April 12-18, 2021

AQUATIC SPECIFIC (25): Aquatic Sciences (5), Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (5), Freshwater Biology (1), Freshwater Science (3), Journal of Great Lakes Research (3), Hydrobiologia (1), Limnology and Oceanography (4), River Research Applications (2), Water Resources Research (1)

BROAD-BASED (3): Bioscience (1), Global Change Biology (1), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (1)

OA = Open Access

New Articles for April 5-11, 2021

AQUATIC SPECIFIC (34): Aquatic Ecology (3), Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (3), Freshwater Biology (6), Freshwater Science (1), Journal of Great Lakes Research (5), Hydrobiologia (5), Limnology and Oceanography (7), Limnology and Oceanography Letters (1), Water Resources Research (3)

BROAD-BASED (2): Ecology (1), Ecological Applications (1)

OA = Open Access

Making Waves Ep. 51

Español: En el episodio de este mes les presentamos a la Dra. Valeria Souza, investigadora mexicana que ha pasado los últimos 20 años estudiando a Cuatro Ciénegas, un oasis en el desierto que alberga a las primeras comunidades bacterianas de la Tierra. Este humedal único que sobrevivió extinciones masivas y glaciaciones, actualmente está muy amenazado por el la extracción insostenible de agua. Escúchanos para aprender más acerca de la experiencia de Valeria en su lucha por salvar este invaluable recurso.

English: This month's episode features Dr. Valeria Souza, a Mexican researcher who has spent the last 20 years studying Cuatro Ciénegas, an oasis in the desert that is home to the first bacterial communities on Earth. This unique wetland that survived mass extinctions and glaciations, is now highly threatened due to unsustainable water extraction. Tune in to learn about Valeria's experience fighting to save this invaluable resource.

New Articles for March 29-April 4, 2021

AQUATIC SPECIFIC (24): Aquatic Ecology (2), Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (5), Freshwater Biology (3), Journal of Great Lakes Research (6), Hydrobiologia (2), Limnology and Oceanography (2), River Research Applications (2), Water Resources Research (2)

BROAD-BASED (2): Ecology (2)

OA = Open Access

Making Waves Ep. 50

Summary: Are river scientists recruited from river guiding? Listen in to hear about barriers faced by underrepresented groups in guiding and how guiding connects to public education and becoming a scientist.

            Cover photo credit: Alexa


Maddie Friend, fluvial geomorphologist and former river guide

Alexa Young-Yee Spielhagen, cultural anthropologist and river guide

New Articles for March 22-28, 2021

AQUATIC SPECIFIC (20): Aquatic Ecology (3), Aquatic Sciences (1), Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (2), Freshwater Biology (6), Hydrobiologia (4), River Research Applications (2), Water Resources Research (2)

BROAD-BASED (1): Global Change Biology (1)

OA = Open Access

New Articles for March 15-21, 2021

AQUATIC SPECIFIC (24): Aquatic Ecology (3), Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (3), Journal of Great Lakes Research (3), Hydrobiologia (5), Limnology and Oceanography (1), River Research Applications (5), Water Resources Research (4)

BROAD-BASED (3): Global Change Biology (1), Nature (1), Oecologia (1)

OA = Open Access
