Update on WOTUS: New response from CASS to Scott Pruitt and Ryan Fisher.
This month's featured article: David M. Walters, Morgan A. Ford, Robert E. Zuellig. 2017. A digital reference collection for aquatic macroinvertebrates of North America. Freshwater Science 36(4): 693-697.
Making Waves Ep. 26: Carbon Fates, Dr. Erin Hotchkiss
This month's podcast features 2016 Hynes Award winner Dr. Erin Hotchkiss discussing her work on the fate of carbon in aquatic ecosystems.
One consequence of serving as SFS president is that I have become more attuned to the rich array of contributions made by individuals in our community. Rather than attempting to impart wisdom or inspiration directly (fat chance, Baxter!), I'll encourage you to find these in my accounts of others–I've always been a story-teller anyway, though an admittedly long-winded one!
Ep. 25: Modeling Environmental DNA Movement in Streams. Dr. Arial Shogren
This month's podcast features Dr. Arial Shogren discussing the challenges and benefits of using environmental DNA as a tool and her research on how particles like it move through streams.
This month's featured article: S. H. Ensign, M. W. Doyle, J. R. Gardner. 2017. Perspectives: New strategies for measuring rates of environmental processes in rivers, lakes, and estuaries. Freshwater Science 36(3): 453-465.
Making Waves Ep. 24: Using Quantitative & Computational Approaches to Explain Biodiversity, Dr. Jonathan Tonkin
This month's podcast features Dr. Jonathan Tonkin discussing his recent work on explaining and predicting freshwater biodiversity patterns using quantitative and computational approaches.
Making Waves Ep. 23: Freshwater Salinization, Dr. Miguel Cañedo-Argüelles
This month's podcast features Dr. Miguel Cañedo-Argüelles discussing his work on the salinization of freshwater ecosystems.