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New Articles December 17-31

Freshwater-Specific Journals (5) : Freshwater Biology, Hydrobiologia, River Research and Applications, Marine and Freshwater Research, Limnology and Oceanography 

Broad-Based Journals (5) : Journal of Applied Ecology, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Ecological Applications, Nature, Ecology

Making Waves Ep. 37

Making Waves Ep. 37:  Desert Fish Conservation. Krissy Wilson, Melody Feden, Christi Kruse, Dave Lytle, and Hannah Moore.

In this month's episode, we hear from Krissy Wilson, the president of the Desert Fishes Council, and several attendees of the 2018 annual meeting about their thoughts on why desert fishes are important and where desert fish conservation is headed after the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Desert Fishes Council.

New Articles December 10 - 16

Freshwater-specific Journals (5): Freshwater Biology, Hydrobiologia, Limnology and Oceanography, Marine and Freshwater Research, River Research and Applications

Broad-based Journals (5):  Ecological Applications, Ecology Letters, Oikos, Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences, Trends in Ecology and Evolution

EPA and Army Corps of Engineers Propose New WOTUS Definition

The US EPA has released a proposed rule redefining Water of the US (WOTUS) that would, among other things, remove intermittent and ephemeral headwater streams and non-adjacent wetlands from protection under the Clean Water Act, a change from protection

New Articles December 3 - 9

Freshwater-specific journals (5): Hydrobiologia, Limnology and Oceanography, Limnology and Oceanography Letters, Marine and Freshwater Research, River Research and Applications

Broad-based journals (5): Ecology, Nature, Oecologia, Oikos, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

New Articles November 26 - December 2

Freshwater-specific journals (5): Freshwater Biology, Hydrobiologia, Limnology and Oceanography, Marine and Freshwater Research, River Research and Applications

Broad-based journals (5): Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Nature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Ecology Letters, Oecologia

New Articles November 12 - 25

Broad-Based Journals (8): Ecology, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Nature, Science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Oecologia, Ecological Applications, Oikos, Journal of Applied Ecology

Freshwater-Specific Journals (5): Freshwater Biology, Hydrobiologia, Limnology and Oceanography, River Research and Applications, Marine and Freshwater Research

Making Waves Ep. 36

Making Waves Ep. 36: Fresh Ideas for Teaching Freshwater Science Part 4.

This month, we're releasing a four-part series on tips and tricks for teaching in the freshwater sciences from educators at different institutions. This fourth and final episode in the series features Dr. Michael Bogan, an assistant professor at the University of Arizona.

Dr. Bogan’s research focuses on understanding how disturbance and dispersal shape aquatic biodiversity patterns, and he was recently awarded the Bart Cardon Early Career Faculty Teaching Award from the University of Arizona. On the podcast, he shares an activity he uses on the first day of class to teach about stream orders and to introduce students to being in a class with active learning.

Making Waves Ep. 35

Making Waves Ep. 35: Fresh Ideas for Teaching Freshwater Science Part 3.

This month, we're releasing a four-part series on tips and tricks for teaching in the freshwater sciences from educators at different institutions. This third episode in the series features Dr. Cayelan Carey, an assistant professor at Virginia Tech, and Dr. Kait Farrell, a post-doc at Virginia Tech.

Dr. Carey’s research focuses on freshwater community and ecosystem ecology, and Dr. Farrell’s research focuses on linking freshwater ecosystem structure and function. On the podcast they discuss Project EDDIE and Macrosystems EDDIE, two suites of teaching modules they developed that use long-term and high-frequency datasets to teach students modeling and coding skills through the lens of limnology.
