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Urban Chapter

SFS Urban Chapter

Urban aquatic ecosystems are at the intersection of freshwater ecology and human societies. They provide critical ecosystem services and are often the first engagement between freshwater ecosystems and a large majority of the global population. They are a focus of cutting-edge research and can provide mechanistic insights that even apply to freshwater systems in non-urban settings. Urban watersheds are often in need of improved management and restoration but can provide surprising stories of ecosystem resilience and recovery. Their stakeholders are both abundant and diverse across space and time, connecting Indigenous land managers and communities to nature-based solution practitioners and connecting all continents but Antarctica from the West to the global South.

The Urban Chapter will serve as a hub for basic and applied research in urban aquatic ecology and management for SFS members.

The goals of the Urban Chapter are to:

  • Advance the scientific study of aquatic ecosystems in urban landscapes
  • Facilitate international collaboration among researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders working in urban aquatic ecosystems
  • Facilitate the dissemination of urban aquatic research
  • Expand opportunities for urban aquatic research and meeting participation by historically underrepresented groups
  • Increase engagement of urban aquatic researchers with the larger SFS organization

The Chapter’s main activities are through the Symposium on Urbanization and Stream Ecology (SUSE), which started in 2003. With the aim of facilitating our goals, we will:

  • Convene an interdisciplinary, international meeting held approximately every 3 years with the specific aim to further the scientific study of aquatic ecosystems in urban landscapes
  • Propose and lead special sessions related to urban aquatic ecosystems at the SFS Annual Meeting
  • Organize opportunities for virtual collaboration and knowledge-sharing, such as our established webinars and other collaborative opportunities
  • Organize publication pathways for urban aquatic research, such as special series and special issues 
  • Provide outreach to historically underrepresented groups, such as curated representation at meetings with funding support as available
  • Maintain a website with resources and a list-serve of urban aquatic enthusiasts for information-sharing and promoting activities

SUSE Advisory Board
The Advisory Board is comprised of several people who have organized past SUSE meetings and provide international perspectives: ​

  • Allison Roy (Chair), U.S. Geological Survey, Massachusetts Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Massachusetts
  • Megan Fork (Communications chair), West Chester University
  • Bob Hawley, Sustainable Streams
  • M Eugènia Martí Roca, Blanes Centre for Advanced Studies (CEAB)
  • Mike Paul, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  • Blanca Ríos-Touma, Universidad de Las Américas – Ecuador
  • Kathryn Russell, University of Melbourne
  • Mateo Scoggins, City of Austin (retired)
  • Robert Smith, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
  • Seth Wenger, River Basin Center – University of Georgia

For further information, please check out our website here: SUSE - Home (